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Epilogue: Eighteen Years Later

Nirvana's POV
In the past eighteen years a lot has happened, Maddox, Aspen, Kaiden and Octavia are eighteen years old now, which is scary our little babies aren't so little anymore, anyway Maddox he's into soccer is his passion so he's been offered a scholarship for it to a school for him, Kaiden he's into softball been playing since he was five and it's got him somewhere because he's gotten Into the big leagues with a professional team he's the youngest in the team, so both the boys once they finish college they go off for that and Aspen she's a very smart girl well she says gifted because she not smart just gifted and because of the literacy and numeracy she was great in she's an honors student five years running became the head girl for two years and had her own club for chess and well she's going to university after college to study law and order to become a lawyer and Octavia she's different struggled in school she's a very creative person done great in arts she achieved that but everything else couldn't do it just had no interest and couldn't understand teachers gave up on her because of her lac of attendance so once she became sixteen she left school and got accepted into a hairdressing academy she's graduated that after two years and is working in a salon a couple days a week then other days she is doing a make up course which will take a few month to pass, she's way more happier doing this than anything, when the kids were six months old Luke proposed and of course I said yes, six months after that we got married it was on the beach by the tree were Luke and me carved things on it, so we got married under it, on our honeymoon which was three months later I some how got pregnant again, and let me tell you that birth was also dramatic he was born on the motorway in our car stuck in traffic, I was with Jai that day and he was driving me to the hospital everyone was way behind us so once we got stuck in traffic he called the ambulance, but by the time everybody ran up the road and the ambulance made it's way through the traffic I had already gave birth with Jai helping I gave birth little boy we named him Jaiden after Jai since he was with me the whole time and told me when to push and when not to so we named our boy after him and Jai loved the idea he always teases Beau because we haven't named one of our kids after him, now Jai and Winter didn't have kids after the triplets they did try for a while but they decided if they were meant to get pregnant it will happen, so there triplets are also eighteen, Hunter he's very smart overly smart I should say, he's going to university to study to be a doctor well he want to work in the emergency department of the hospital, Dexton he hated school so much so he started home schooling which worked for him till he was sixteen then he went to study computing to do photography also done a photography course on the side and he's very good at what he does, Olympia she's a swimmer and has been training for it all her life now that she eighteen she can try out for the Olympics and she's made it which has made he training pay off, Elizabeth and Beau have Olivia and Oliver who are twenty years old, Oliver is a chef and owns a couple restaurants he's very happy with where he's at also he lives with his girlfriend Florence who he's been with since he was sixteen, Olivia is a single mum and lives with her parents still she has a little boy named Spencer who is two she was eighteen when she had him and her boyfriend of two years left her because he didn't want the baby so she had the baby and has been better with out that guy, when the twins were five Elizabeth got pregnant again with a little boy his name is Blair, Ariella and James have there girls Tea, Reneasmae and Maddy-Rose, Tea is twenty now she's a kindergarden teacher everybody expected that from her because she was always so kind and gentle, she's engaged to a guy named Zachary there high school sweethearts, Reneasmae is nineteen she lives with her parents still and she does fashion design she has her own little store with original pieces made by her, Maddy-Rose is eighteen turning nineteen soon she's still with her parents and she goes to a ballet academy and is a very beautiful dancer, Ariella got accidentally pregnant four years after Maddy-Rose and they were very happy because it was a boy they named him Jax he's fourteen now and being a normal teenage boy he's interested in music so he loves trying new things in that, Daniel and Yasmin have Poppy-June and Zoela, Poppy-June is now seventeen and is still in school and is actually dating Jaiden Brooks (Nirvana and Luke's youngest), Zoella is sixteen and is into cheerleading and gymnastics, two years after Zoella Yasmin got pregnant for a third time and had another girl and named her Quinn she's now fourteen and is dating early she's dating Jax Yammounie (Ariella's and James youngest), after five more years after the Brooks babies were born in Los Angeles everyone moved back to Australia and had there own home for there family they now had, everybody is happy and enjoying there lives they even have there family's come together and have a weekly Sunday barbeques they will take turns hosting, they love there new lives and wouldn't change it for the world.

The End . . . . . . . . . .

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