You Kissed Me!

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Nirvana's POV

I walked over to Luke's house with a package in my hand it was given to my house instead, I didn't want to take it over but I had to because the girls forced me yeah there at my house with there little ones and they made me come over, I knocked on the door waiting for the door to open I heard footsteps and suddenly the door flung open straight away he glared at me as I did for him

"What do you want?" He asked annoyed I pushed the package into his chest

"That was sent to my house" I said crossing my arms over my chest

"Don't push it at me" he said angrily I rolled my eyes at him

"There a couple letter for you here" he said walking away I walked in the house and stood leaning against the wall, he came back and threw them at me lucky I caught them

"What the hell Luke!" I shouted, he smirked at me

"What you did It to me!" he shouted

"Your such a child!" I shouted

"So what I'd rather be that than a bitch!" He shouted back, I gasped

"Your an idiotic asshole I can't believe that I dated you!" I shouted stepping forward which made him step forward

"Yeah well I had to put up with you all the time" he shouted

"I can't believe You put up with me I'm not that bad it you who was bad seriously your such a dick I can't believe I never realised that till now God you so-!" I shouted till his lips connected with mine, he slowly pulled away

"So what?" He asked whispering still close to me, I didn't answer

"Thought so" he whispered and reconnected his lips with mine they moved in sync together, he lifted me up and sat me on the table that was there behind us, it was about to go somewhere when I remembered he had a girlfriend, I pushed him off we both just steered at each other

"Shit" we both whispered, my eyes kept traveling down to his lips and back up to his eyes

"No one can know about this" I said he nodded

"Even if I kinda did enjoy it" he said and smirked which made me smirk back

"Ahh Luke no" I said and got off the table grabbing my letters I went to the door when I was turned around

"Tell me you didn't feel anything and I'll stop" he said standing close to me I pulled away and walked out the door

"Thought so!" He shouted after me, I shook my head and went to my doorstep and looked over at him on his I smiled at him and went inside, I lent against the door

"Finally your back" winter said walking over i nodded

"What happened to you?" She asked me

"Nothing" I said a little to quickly I heard her gasp

"You-you guys kissed didn't you?" She asked

"Y-yes" I stumbled on my word

"Nirvana" she said

"I know I know it's bad but we were arguing and to shut me up he kissed me and then we carried on and before it got further I stopped it okay I know it's bad alright I'll keep my distance" I said freaking

"Don't say anything not even to Jai okay" I said

"Okay" she responded

"Pinky swear" I said she smiled

"Pinky swear" she said.

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