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Nirvana's POV

My room and bathroom is done after three weeks, so Luke has taken our things over for us, he let me rest because I'm tired but right now I have a jar of peanut butter and a spoon and I'm eating it, I'm wearing a tight dress that goes above mid-thigh, it's got three quarter sleeves and its thin striped black and white going across, I have my pure black vans on and my hair is out in its natural curls down the middle of my back

"Vana I've got the last of the things so you lock the door and meet me next door!" I heard Luke shout

"Okay!" I shouted back, I got my keys and walked out the front door locking it behind me and I walked over, there was loud noises coming from the lounge I walked in to find everyone with there kids, they stopped and looked at me

"What?" I asked confused, eating another spoon of peanut butter

"Your bump" Winter said I looked down and there it was my three month bump that looks like four, Winter stood up hers was like mine, Jai took a photo of us standing facing each other with our baby bumps touching, I sat down and they carried on, Luke walked in and sat beside me, I put the peanut butter and spoon on the table

"Your boobs are bigger" Luke whispered cheekily in my ear, I hit his chest, I moved to face him sitting on my knees

"Are you sure that's all that's bigger?" I asked him, he put his hand on my stomach

"Wow how come I didn't notice?" he asked me

"Well I have been wearing loose clothing" I said he kissed my cheek

"Hey Nirvana can I post that photo I just took of you and Winter on Twitter?" Jai asked I nodded yes, all the fans needed to know, my phone buzzed

@JaiBrooks1: looks like we have some more to welcome to our Janoskian family #WelcomeNewBabies #CongradulationsWinterAndNirvana

I saw #CongradulationsWinterAndNirvana
Was starting to trend slowly going up the top, I showed Luke and he smiled, I sat on Luke's lap and cuddled into him, started to fall asleep

~Start Of Dream~

I was in the hospital In labor waiting for me to be ready and have my little miracles, the doctor finally said I'm ready to push, once a contraction came I pushed as hard as I could once I finally got the baby out there was no cry they got me to carry on but even the second baby didn't cry I pushed for my third hoping and praying that I hear that cry but I didn't no one would tell me what's going on, I came to the last baby and I noticed it wasn't moving like the others as I pushed it out, and again no cry, I looked frantically around for my babies but I couldn't find them all I saw was Luke crying talking to a nurse another on came up to me and said something I dreaded to here "I'm so sorry but your children have no heartbeat" I broke down right there.

~End Of The Dream~

I shot up everyone was steering at me Tea, Olivia and Oliver ran over to me and got on the couch hugging me, I thanked them and got up and walked out, I felt something grabbed my finger it was Tea and she walked up with me to the room I lay on the bed with her cuddling on my side she had her hand on my bump

"Aunt Vana a-a-are y-you okay?" Tea asked me I looked down and the little blonde girl her blue eyes steering up at me green ones

"Yeah bad dream I'm okay now" I said she nodded and cuddled into me, suddenly Ariella came in with Maddy-Rose and Reneasmae and sat down I sat up and Tea sat beside Reneasmae holding her

"What happened?" Ariella asked worried

"I had a nightmare about the birth that I gave birth to them with no heartbeats" I said she held my hand

"It's okay to feel like that you had a experience with Eve and Ezra that dream is just telling you exactly what you've been thinking your scared your gunna loose them but you won't" she said reassuringly

"It happened to me I had c-section with Reneasmae because as I was waiting for me to be ten centimetres dilated her heartbeat was going down so I had to have a c-section right away they got her out she made noises but it suddenly stopped right then I knew something was wrong they said she was having trouble breathing and the did what they did and she started to breath let me tell you she scared the life out of me then as a newborn a few times she stopped breathing it was so scary now she has regular checks at hospital and when Maddy-Rose came to be here as I was pregnant with her I started to have nightmares" she said I looked at Reneasmae who was just smiling away, I picked her up

"Wow I wish I was here for you" I said

"Your here now" she said, I kissed Reneasmaes cheek and she giggled, I picked Reneasmae up and kissed her cheek, she smiled cheekily at me I tickled her which made her go in a fit of giggles, I smiled I can't wait till my little miracles turn up

"Nirvana what also helps is if you tell Luke" she said I looked at her and shook my head

"No he already worries about me and I don't want him to find this out it'll scare him because I know he worries that the same will happen to theses miracles as it happened to Eve and Ezra" I said she smiled sadly

"Hey he's always been protective and always had worried about every since dated those years ago even before you dated" she said come to think of it she was right

"Okay I'll talk to him now" I said standing up, still holding Reneasmae in my arms and Ariella had Maddy-Rose in hers we both held Teas hand each and walked down, Tea ran and jumped on James, I sat Reneasmae on the ground

"Luke can we talk?" I asked, he looked worried but I gave him a reassuring smile I led him out side and we sat on the grass facing each other, I had my hand set on my stomach which I saw Luke smile at

"Um know before how I had a bad dream" I said quietly, he nodded confused a little

"Um it was a bad dream about the birth that I'd gave birth and they weren't breathing" I said getting upset

"Oh babe" he said moving over to me and hugging me

"It's going to be okay there strong and healthy also when they do come there going to be looked after by us doctors and nurses" he said, I looked up at him, he pecked my lips, he got up and I held my arms out pouting at him

"I can't get up" I moaned giggling, he laughed and pulled me up into his chest

"I love you" he said, I smiled

"I love you too" I said wrapping my arms around his neck

"To the moon and back" he said doing a cheeky smile at me

"More than the stars shine" I replied giggling.

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