✈️Italy here we come ✈️

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Nirvana's POV

Right now me and the girls are in my room sitting on our suitcases being the girls we are we left packing to the last minute we heard the front door slam shut

And Ariella screamed and the boys came running

"Ari what's wrong" James said puffing oh what a cutie he's all worried

"I got my suitcase to close" she said giggling doing a little jump everyone laughed

"Your one weird child" said Skip and Yasmin at the same time Yasmin and him done a high five

"Now bitch help me with my suitcase" Yasmin said to Skip pulling him over to her

"Ok ok Jesus your lucky your a cutie" he said zipping the case easily and pinching her cheeks which she did not look happy about she stood up and crossed her arms

"Bring my suitcase downstairs" she said sassily at him

"No I won't I'm not your bitch" he said I'm pretty sure he thinks he going to win but he won't, oh look Yasmin is doing her famous smirk

"Oh really well when your in Italy you'll be sleeping on the floor I'll have the comfy bed a you'll nothing from me for a week till we back in LA how about that?" She said smartly and smirking at him he ran out of the room like lightning with her suitcase she flicked her hair sassily and strutted out of the room she turned to us at the door and done a whip action and sound we all laughed after that the boys helped us close our suitcases and bring them to the car we done a double check that everything was locked and went down to our two drivers


We arrived at the airport we had turned up just in time and put our luggage through and went up to the lady and handed out tickets over we got on the plane and all us girls raced for the window seats and succeeded the order went from the back to front James and Ariella to Beau and Elizabeth to Daniel and Yasmin to Winter and Jai and then to me and Luke I was glad I was next to Luke because he literally hugged me the whole flight which was ok till I needed to go to the bathroom and he wouldn't let me go then when he did I had to go past him so he pulls me on his lap and wouldn't let me go when he finally did the cheeky bugger slapped my arse so when I came back I made sure slap the back of his head also got a good amount of sleep


FINALLY I'm off the fuckin plane! I literally was pissed because in the last few hours of the plane ride all the boys were awake and all us girls weren't so they done pranks of course Luke done me James done Ariella Daniel done Yasmin Beau done Elizabeth and Jai done Winter us girls decided weren't going to talk to either of the boys to when we got taxis winter told the boys driver were there headed and hoped in the car with all the girls and no we didn't get picked up by family we said we'd make our own way.

We arrived at our home (picture above) and all the boys were shocked we headed up to the door and knocked

Italia's POV {Nirvana & Winter's mum}

I heard the door and saw my beautiful girls standing there with there friends oh there friends are sweet coming all this way for them

"Oh my baby's" I said getting a little emotional

"Mamma!" They both shouted and dropped there bags and hugged me

"Come sono le mie ragazze" I said looking at them and letting them out of the hug
["I How are my girls"]

"I'm ok immagino" Nirvana said shrugging and looking down at her feet
["I'm ok I guess"]

"Bene come posso essere" Winter said half smiling
["alright as I can be"]

"Andiamo lascia entrare a vedere la famiglia si nonno è stato in attesa di vederti"
["come on let's get inside to see the family your granddad has been waiting to see you to"]

We seen our family and we made up with the boys because they were bugging us by begging and pulling sad faces makings us guilty and if we didn't crack they done tickling yes tickling it's our weakness if you know where we are majorly ticklish spots are in the end we went to bed

'I'm not looking forward to tomorrow I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen'

𝐍𝐢𝐫𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐚'𝐬 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐞 [𝟏] ▸ 𝘑𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘴𝘬𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘴Where stories live. Discover now