Goodbye {Part 1}

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Luke's POV

All of us were sitting in the Twins room there ten months now the doctors told us to say goodbye to Ezra because there's nothing else they can do he won't respond to any treatments and it very upsetting, I looked up to see Nirvana holding Eve and getting her to sleep I smiled at the picture I was seeing Nirvana never got to be a proper mum but it's fine at least she got to be one for them as long as we'll have them, I heard the door and Winter walked in

"Hey guys our families are here" she said smiling Nirvana turned around and smiled

"Let's go see them aye" I said she nodded I put my arms loosely around both there shoulders and we walked into the family room and there was my mum talking to Jai and Beau she turned around and saw me and smiled at me I walked over and hugged her she rocked us side to side we pulled away

"Hey darling how are you?" She asked concerned

"As good as I can be" I said slightly doing a smile she rubbed my arms I looked back to see Nirvana walking over she hugged my mum Gina and I saw her shoulders moved like she was crying Mum rocked her Italia Nirvanas mum came over and joined the hug, suddenly I saw nurses run past the door Nirvana looked at me worried we ran out and went in the twins room and there Ezra's heart monitor was in a straight line Nirvana screamed in her hands and turned to me crying I held her in my arms, I put my face in the crook of her neck and let a few tears fall one by one, all that was repeating in my mind was, He's gone, I'm never gunna see him take his first step, say dad and mum, go to kindergarten for the firsts time, him going to school, not even teach him some sports talk to him about girls, nothing I can't do nothing for my boy because he's gone but I'd rather him be gone than live a life in pain Te doctor said even if he did survive this he'd still have a 70% chance of getting Cancer again, I just wish I had more time with him but time wasn't on my side.

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