Facing the problem

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Nirvana POV

It's been a week and i havent talked to any of the boys or the girls ive stayed with Jacob to try and clear my head and thin of what to do for the first three days Luke has been contacting me calls and texts but i didnt reply, answer or even read the texts after the three days he just stopped he obviously knew i wanted time im checking the messages now and there is alot most of them say 'im sorry' 'i made a mistake' or 'please talk to me' i realised I'm gunna have to face him and talk to him so I'm going to send a message to meet me at the café dow the road from his house

To: LukeyBabe💙

Hey Luke we need to talk so can you meet me at the café down the road from your house at 12pm ish

From: VanaMyGirl💙

seconds later i got a reply

From: LukeyBabe💙

yeah sure see you then

To: VanaMyGirl💙

for some reason when sent that I felt a bit better the thing is I dont know what im going to say to him all i want is this to be sorted and i would like to still be together its just we went from being so close and lovey towards each other to in the span of two weeks we turned to what we are now i went to the bedroom and had a shower i got to the room and choose some high rise dark blue skinny jeans a maroon lace bralet and some black pumps i got my phone and wallet and put it in my black leather bag that hung on my shoulder and headed downstairs to the kitchen

"hey where you going" Jacob asked

"im actually going to meet luke at a café near his place to talk" i said to him grabbing an apple to eat

"are you sure?" he asked sounding concerned

"yeah i am i cant ignore him and everyone else forever and can't stay here with you the only reason i have some things with me is because i went over whe they wernt home" i said to him and finished my apple and chucked it in the bin he just nodded

"well i better go" i said and gave him a hug

"bye" he shouted to me as i walked out

"bye" i shouted back i got to my car yes i also got that when I went to my house, i love my car its a Chevrolet Camaro SS in black i love this car when i got my first few paychecks for doing some modelling i saved the money so i could buy some thing nice and it was this car, i backed out of the drive way and headed for the cafe to meet Luke.

Luke's POV

I was sitting in the kitchen with all the boys and even the girls they were here two i havent heard anything from nirvana in a week i tried for three days to get her to answer me but nothing happened i figured se needed spac i mean her boyfriend and for of her best friends thought she was cheating when she wasent i just wish i had--- i got interupted out of my thoughts when my phone went it was a mssage from Nirvana for some reason im feeling really nervous i opened the message

From: VanaMyGirl💙

hey Luke we need to talk so can you meet me at the cafe down the road from your house at 12pm ish

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