Tea Yammounie

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Nirvana's POV

Me and all my friends walked in to Ariella's room and there she was holding her new little girl we all had turns at holding her I was talking with Ariella when James came and past over little Tea I looked at her she was gorgeous I felt tears in my eyes a tear slipped out and went down my face

"Someone take her" I croaked out

"Why what's wrong?" Ariella asked

"Just please someone take her" I said getting impatient

"James" Ariella said James took Tea from me and I ran out I just ran and ran.

Luke's POV

I ran after her but when I got out the door she was gone I gripped my hair and pulled it I went in the room everyone was looking at me

"She's gone she ran off I tried to catch her" I said

"It's my fault I should have known since what's happening with you and your babies and and" Ariella

"Hey Ariella it's fine things have been building up and she hasn't been talking to anyone lately it's fine you weren't to know it would happen ok" I said rubbing her arm and smiled slightly.

I was at my house in the lounge I have been trying to contact Nirvana I'm really worried about her suddenly I heard a knock I got up and there she stood she hugged me I pulled her in and closed the door behind us I walked her to the couch and sat down she looked at me

"I just needed some time I'm sorry if I worried you" she said I looked at her and smiled

"It's okay I understand that" I said and grabbed her hands she gripped them

"Luke" she said after a moment of silence

"Yeah" I said she looked at me

"I'm scared" she whispered I hugged her

"I am too just please talk to me before anything happens I don't want you to keep it in and then suddenly explode" I said I felt her nod I picked her up and walked upstairs to my room I set her to the ground I stripped down to my boxers and she undressed and put my top on we hoped in bed she lay on my chest

"I love you Luke" she said I smiled and looked down at her she looked up

"I love you too so much" I said putting a piece of hair behind her ear she sat up slightly and lent down her lips touched mine I felt her smile in the kiss which made me smile she pulled away and pecked my lips a couple times

"Let's get to sleep" she said and lay back on my chest I felt her finger trace my tattoos on my arm I fell asleep as soon as I heard her go to sleep.

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