"Being pregnant sucks"-N "it sure does"-A

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Nirvana POV

'Let me tell you in the morning I was majorly grumpy and pissed off and sore so was Ariella and let me tell you two pregnant women like that is not good'

I woke up not happy I was grumpy not normal pissed off not all energetic and good to go I was sore I was up most of the night helping people who were drunk to throw up get back in bed get them to sleep and then another one would happen it wasn't just me Ariella was in the same boat I got into my track pants that were grey and had pink writing down the side saying Miami I wore a pink singlet and put a sleeveless grey cardigan that had a hood on it too I went downstairs and in the lounge and found all of them in the lounge looking hung over and Ariella asleep on James shoulder with a frown on her face like major frown

"Hi everyone" I shouted walking in everyone groaned and Ariella woke up

"Yeah how is everyone on this fine morning" she shouted both of us smirked

"Ariella do you know what I did all last night" I said doing a pissed silly tone

"No I do not Nirvana what did you do last night" she said playing along

"I looked after drunk Popsicle making sure they vomited in the toilet of bucket put them back to bed get them to sleep all night" I said getting more pissed

"Oh yeah guess what I had to as well" she said getting equally as pissed

"Babe I'm sorry" Luke said

"Yeah your sorry you guys made a big mistake making two pregnant women angry, tired, upset, pissed and guess what it's going to be your living nightmare today and I hope you feel bad" I said walking and sitting next to Ariella.

It's the middle of the day and all I can think is how being pregnant is annoying

"Being pregnant sucks" I shouted leaning on Luke and closing my eyes while groaning

"It sure does" Ariella said sighing

"Just think this little one will be out in four months" James said rubbing her belly she slapped his hand away

"Your not the one carring it your not the one having hormones make your emotions go crazy your not the one getting fatter sore boobs and not being able to wear normal fucking clothing and also you can eat what you want I can't if my body doesn't like the smell or taste of it I will blow fucking everywhere in the toilet with vomiting so don't say only four more months" Ariella blowed up and stomped off up to her room James went and followed her

"Wow that was over the top" Beau said chuckling a little I stood up

"How is it over the top beau ha ha" I said getting pissed like I said a pregnant women who has had no sleep and had to look after stupid drunk people

"I-I ahh i d-don't knowww" he stuttered

"Yeah you don't know you didn't have to look after all your drunk asses all night getting no sleep at all and you don't have to push a fucking baby out of your vagina after having it in you for nine months but guess what I have to push two out" I said getting louder by each word

"Babe calm down" Luke said I turned to him and pointed

"And you you did this to me you put you just had to have sex you and your stupid dick have no brain" I said I turned and walked off I lay on my bed calming down Luke came in

"You better now" he said laying next to me I cuddled into his side

"Yes I was stuck in side all day and I just blew I hope I didn't hurt Beau" I said

"No you didn't he understands your pregnant tired hormones are crazy it's fine" he said

"I'm gunna go down stairs to let you sleep ok" he said about to get up but I hugged him tight

"No your not going anywhere I won't be able to sleep without you and I need to hug you and stuff soo yeah" I said yawning

"Ok goodnight beautiful" he said

"Night" I mumbled before falling asleep

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