7 Months Later

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Nirvana's POV

Little Tea is gorgeous she's got a beautiful personality she giggly and happy all the time but if she's not happy than something is definitely wrong she always smiles she also has a little pout on her lips which makes her so adorable also she looks like a lot like Ariella she has blonde hair and her dark blue eyes are just come through and she's only seven months old now everything has gone by so fast, well my baby's there nine months I know Teas meant to be older but since they were born earlier there older, Eve has responded well to the treatments and has hopefully more than a year to live but Ezra has gone down hill and it's going fast I hate watching my little boy get in more and more pain and sicker everyday he's not responding to any of his treatments now they don't know how long he has left and I'm heartbroken. I'm holding Ezra in my arms he's awake and smiling I have his favourite soft toy and he is giggling when I bop his nose to the dinosaurs nose he looked tired so I put him down I kiss his forehead I felt someone touch my shoulder I turned to see Luke he grabbed my hand and he was swinging it side I stepped foreword and wrapped my arms around his neck his hands sat on my hips

"Let's go home tonight everyone has left the house for us to get away from the hospital have a break and also be together" he said I bit my lip I looked back at the kids I felt his hand touch my cheek and move my face to look at him i looked him in the eye

"They will be fine" he said I nodded

"Okay" I said smiling heent down and peck my lips he took my hand I let it go and jogs over to Eve I kissed her forehead she looked at me with her brown eyes exactly like her fathers, I smiled and turned to Luke I took his hand and he led me out the hospital to our car we drove back to mine, I opened the door and we walked in I got to the lounge and there was food movies and blankets I gasped

"Aw Luke" I said he grabbed my hand and took my to the couch he put on Beauty and the beast my favourite Disney Princess movie he came and cuddled with me

"Thank you Luke" I said looking up at him he smiled

"It's okay you know I'd do anything for you" he said and put a piece of hair behind my ear he lent down and kissed my lips I snuggled into his chest and watched the movie.

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