Going back to LA {PART1}

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(Going to the airport and waiting)

Nirvana's POV

Right now we just got in the cars and are heading to the airport everyone is tired because we had to get up a 3:30am in the morning we have spent a week in Italy and it's been good and bad I looked at Luke and he was struggling to keep his eyes open I pulled his head to me and made him lay it on my lap

"Go to sleep I'll wake when where there" I said stroking his hair

"Ok" he said just when he was asleep I stop stroking his hair

"Why'd you stop" he mumbled

"Sorry" I said and starting again

About 15 minutes later we got in front of the airport I shook Luke he woke up

"What" he said tiredly

"Where at the airport" I said we got out of the car and checked our bags in and waited for the call we said goodbye to everyone yesterday and my mamma and dad today because they had to drop us off right now where sitting and waiting for our flight to be called so we can get back to LA and basically sleep our jet lag off finally out flight was call and we handed out tickets over to the lady and headed to the plane.

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