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Luke's POV

I'm finishing up my packing, each room in the house has boxes stacked up, all the furniture I have has been moved into Nirvana's house and is sitting near the front door which I know Nirvana is going to hate because she has a little OCD, well maybe quite a bit she likes it to be clean, I walked to my room and the other boys where there we all grabbed a couple boxes each and carried it in the house next door Nirvana stood there

"Stop boxes down" she said we stuck the boxes down

"Good now Luke your old bed need to go in the empty room down here there because that's just been done up and now there's a bed for it to also the bathrooms been done in there" she said

"Hurry up follow me" she said, me, Jai and James picked up the base while Daniel and Beau had the mattress we walked and followed her in we set it were she wanted, the room had changed I remember sleeping in here on a single bed the room was yellow and grey very ugly, now it's white roof even the wardrobe has been painted white, all the boarders are white then the walls were light grey and the floor was done with soft white carpet, the bathroom was different as well it has glossy white floors, white roof even light grey walls, there was a large glass shower the walls of it were done with dark grey tiles, even a large white bath, the sink was a double sink, two mirrors above and the sinks sat on grey cabinets, I walked back in and Nirvana had just made the bed it was white and grey and two blue square pillows sat on the bed, the boys walked in with a white set of draws and two white bed side tables they set them down in the spots that obviously Nirvana told them they walked out again the Nirvan walked in with shopping bags

"What did you buy?" I asked her

"Things for this room plus were going to stay in this room while I get our room redone" she said I was so confused

"How come?" I asked her, she set up two lamps on either bedside table and plugged them in

"Because making it more nicer and chemicals won't be good for the babies so we stay down here away from it and as I get bigger we'll probably have to be down here anyway so why not go down here now then once the babies come hopefully all upstairs will be done and perfect" she said I hugged her waist she hung her arms around my neck loosely, i pecked her lips a couple times

"I'll have everything on the left so wardrobe left side draws left side bed left side and sink left one" she said smiling I shook my head at her I pecked her lips quickly and went out to the entrance

"We're gunna move her things from your guys room to one of the spare ones so maybe get the things out of her draws and take it down so we can move them" Beau said I nodded and walked up I got all her thing and went back down I chucked them on the bed and went back up and filled my arms up from her wardrobe and took it down then I moved my bedroom and bathroom boxes in the room, Nirvana was hanging her clothes up

"I'll do yours too" she said looking at me

"Thanks" I said, I kissed her cheek and went to help the boys.

Nirvana's POV

It's probably been over an hour and I've put both our clothes away and set up the bathroom with our things, I was glad the boys helped because now that the stuff is moved out of my room I can have it started on renovation, they even set up the room next to this one that's been renovated as well same colour scheme white and grey it basically another lounge just smaller and it's got all the movies and video games in there as well as the PlayStation, Nintendo Wii and Xbox, don't even know why I have all of them but I do, that little lounge will be used when all upstairs is done and then they'll start on the lounge and kitchen and obviously around that point I'll have the kids so well rent somewhere while they finish just to keep the babies safe from the chemicals and things, I went to the entrance way and saw the boys leaving they said goodbye and left

"Maybe we should keep my house and when they get to doing all the other rooms upstairs after our room it'll be hard for you there will be paint chemicals around" he said worried

"Okay we move all next door then stay here till upstairs room is done set it up with furniture and then take our clothes and bathroom stuff over" I said he nodded in agreement

"Okay I'll call the boys later and tell them we'll move tomorrow and then it'll be done and ready" he said kissing my forehead, he picked me up bridal style and walked to our temporary room

"It's late sleep time" he said and set me on the bed, we got ready and hoped in bed and fell asleep.

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