Genders for the mini me's

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Nirvana's POV

I'm four months pregnant and Ariella is five months along she told everyone she was going to wait till I was four months so me and he could go get our genders checked at the same time we had our appointments booked and were on our way there the boys had to do recording the studio for there new song so it was just me and Ariella we got to the hospital and got out of the car

"I can't believe I'm finding out if I'm having a boy or a girl" Ariella said

"Me to, what would you like to have and what does James want?" I asked her

"Well I want a boy but James wants a girl but I'll love it the same even if it was either a boy or a girl I want my baby to be healthy that's all that matters right now" she said we got in the elevator and headed up to the maternity ward

"What about you Nirvana what do you and Luke want" Ariella asked as we went to the waiting room

"Well I wouldn't mind Two little girls actually but Luke wants boys because then he can do all those things like play soccer in the backyard or fix things together and stuff like that" I said

"Aww isn't he cute" Ariella giggled

"Ariella Gonzales" Doctor grey said we stood up and walked to the room I sat beside the bed, next to Ariella

"Alright let's get everything started" Doctor Grey said and put the gel on her swollen belly and moved the wand around

"Ahh there's your little one all healthy everything is just fine and is growing very well to gunna be a perfect size I'll get some pictures printed to but you wanted to know the gender didn't you" Doctor. Grey said

"Yes I would" Ariella said getting excited

"You've got a healthy little girl" Doctor. Grey said

"Huh a little girl oh my gosh" Ariella said and looked at me she had tears in her eyes the Doctor went out and got the photos she past them to her and wrote notes down in Ariella's file

"Right I see that your next Nirvana" Doctor. Grey said

"Yes I am" I said to her

"Well you guy swap places and we'll get started" she said me and Ariella swapped around I got a blanket put over my legs and my dress lifted up so you could see my swollen stomach she put the gel on and moved the wand around

"Right your little ones are just perfect, perfect size and health I'll get some photos printed and we will get to the gender part if you want because they are very easy to tell" she said

"I would love to know" I said

"Well baby A right here" she said pointing to one of them on the screen

"Is a little baby boy" she said

"Oh yay" I said

"And this one here is baby B" she said pointing to the other baby

"Is a little baby girl" she said to me

"Oh my gosh I have a boy and girl" I said the doctor wrote down notes for today and went and got the photos and past them back the whole way home me and Ariella just talked about the baby's and how we will go shopping together and stuff me and Ariella haven't been that close but since she trusted me to help her and stuff we have gotten so close but I'm starting to think I'm not as close with the other girls as I have been now I feel bad oh well I'll hang out soon we got home and went in the lounge and like usual everyone was there we stood in front of them

"So how did the appointments go" James asked

"Well both of our baby's are perfectly healthy and are growing right and we found out the genders" Ariella said

"Go on" Luke said

"Well I've got a little baby girl in side of me" Ariella said

"Yes" James shouted and went and Hugged Ariella

"We can go shopping now" Elizabeth said clapping

"Well Nirvana the genders" Luke said getting excited

"Well baby A is a little boy" I said

"Yes I have a son" Luke shouted and hugged me

"Calm down there is a second baby" I said laughing

"Ok carry on" he said even more excited

"Baby B is a little girl" I said smiling

"Yes I have a daughter too" he said and hugged me tight but not to tight

"Oh my god I just thought of something yes we can have shopping days for the baby stuff and now also we can do lists of names like a list for Ariella and James little girl and a list for Nirvana and Luke's little boy and girl" Yasmin said

"Yeah and we will have them stuck on the pin board by the door so if you get an idea for one of the baby's you put it down but I reckon if you put a name you put your name by it so everyone knows who basically gave the idea" Winter said

"Well this is going to be fun it's like a competition of names" I said

"Let the baby names competition begin" Ariella shouted we all laughed

"I'm going to win by the way my names are the bomb" beau said

"We will see about that mister brooks we will see" Elizabeth said.

'Let the baby name competition begin'

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