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Nirvana's POV

We've had the twins for a month now and it's been great I was with the twins to get them changed Luke had to fly to LA for a couple days it took a lot of convincing to get him to got he's back tomorrow he was only gone a couple days before today I was changing Ezra's nappy and I noticed there was a bit of blood and he was breathing funny I looked at Eve and there was a difference and this morning he had a loss of appetite I decided that I will take him to the children's hospital I changed his nappy and got him changed I made sure I had everything in the nappy bag put it on my shoulder and carried them down I got to the car and put them both in I got in the drivers side and called Gina

"Hello" she said

"Gina it Nirvana" I said

"Oh Nirvana how are you and the twins" she asked

"I'm fine Eves fine but I think something is really wrong with Ezra could I pick you up and we go to the children's hospital I don't want to do it alone" I said

"Ok I'll come with you I'm sure it will be fine"

I had picked up Gina and we had told the doctor what I saw and noticed right now I'm sitting with Ezra waiting for the nurse they are gunna take his blood and do other test and I should know the results soon I was holding Ezra and when the needle went in he didn't like it they put a plaster on and his top I walked out to Gina holding him he was still crying she had Eve

"They took his blood and when the needle went in he didn't like it" I said

"Aw little Ezra" Gina said holding his hand we walked out to the car and headed to Gina's and we had a talk Gina had Eve and I had Ezra

"Gina I'm scared" I said a tear slipped out and down my face

"Oh Vana I'm sure it will be fine"she said and hugged me with one arm

"Yeah I've got to think positive" I said and wiped the couple tears away the rest of the day I stayed withe Gina and I even stayed the night the twins stayed in the portable cots we had there it was a not nice night all I could think was the bad things.

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