Holiday day two

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Nirvana's POV

I woke up to an empty bed I looked around and didn't see Luke I got up and put my 'his' jacket on my arms it hung of my shoulders I was also wearing Luke T-shirt I walked out to find Luke getting food through the door

"Luke what are you doing" I said yawning he turned around

"Getting us food but you were meant to stay in bed" he said putting the food on the table I sat down he kissed my cheek and sat across from me and we ate pancakes with strawberries and cream with chocolate syrup it was so good

"That was so yum thank you" I said grabbing the plates and put them in the sink and walked back to him and sat on his lap facing him with my arms around his neck I kissed him he stood up with me around his waist and walked he dropped me on the bed and hovered above me

"Let's have our last day in Disneyland by doing the stuff we missed yesterday" Luke said

"Ok I'll get changed" I said propping my self up on my elbows pecked his lips and pushed him off

I went to the bathroom had a shower and put my black Alice in wonderland stockings my black high waisted mini skirt with a red crop and my black wedges with a strap over the front of my foot and my Alice in wonderland bag I even changed my belly button piercing to a Mickey Mouse one but you can't see it anyway I walked out and Luke was wearing black jeans black high tops and a dark grey button up top we went down stairs and went on things hadn't been on yesterday and thing we hadn't seen we went past a shop and Luke suddenly stopped I fell back since he was holding my hand but he caught me before I fell

"look at the jackets" he said pointing to these jacket one said 'his princess' and one said 'her prince' they were black with blue writing he let go of my hand and walked in he came out with the jumpers

"Here" he said and put it over my head he put his on I went and hugged his waist he put one arm around me I got my phone out and pass it to him

"Photo" I said he went on the camera we took a smiley still standing how we were and just before he took the next one I moved his face to kissed my lips so the photo got us kissing I felt his tongue touch my lips wanting entrance I opened my mouth wider me made out for what seemed ages when stopped and we were both breathless

"Wow" Luke whispered

"Yeah how about we carry on with the rest of the park" I said

"Yeah let's do that" he said still a little shocked

We carried on around the park till it was dark I wasent cold so I had the jumper around my waist Luke had his sleeves rolled up Luke had blind folded me and was leading me some where we soon stopped somewhere and he took the blindfold off and we where standing in the main part of the park with other people I was so confused

"What ar-" before I could finish a whole lot of fireworks went off

"Oh my god this is so cool Luke" I said steering at the sky he wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed my shoulder he left his head on on my shoulder and held me tighter

'The best way to end the holiday'

𝐍𝐢𝐫𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐚'𝐬 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐞 [𝟏] ▸ 𝘑𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘴𝘬𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘴Where stories live. Discover now