PartyYay NOT!

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Nirvana POV

Tonight we are going to a party and me and Ariella are not looking forward to it

1.Because we can't drink,

2.We won't be able to Dance,

3.Will have to sit the whole time and

4.watching everyone have fun

I chose an outfit {image above} it showed my bump off lots most of my clothing is starting to get to small which I'm not happy about I don't really like maternity clothes I'm getting to be four months in a couple days I stood in front of the mirror with my dress, shoes, makeup and bag on my shoulder I just stared I felt fat not because of the baby I think I'm getting bigger the opposite way to my belly I let out a giant breath I heard people shouting my name downstairs

"Let's get this over and done with" I mumbled

I walked out of my bathroom through my room and headed down the stairs I got to the five steps

"Wow" I heard someone say I look up to see Luke

"What?" I asked

"You look so beautiful not that you don't all the time it's just you look gorgeous sexy even" he said grabbing my hand to lead me down the last few stairs

"Sexy, beautiful, gorgeous what ever" I said seriously and walked past him he jumped in front of me to stop me walking

"What do you mean 'What-Ever' Nirvana" he said I started crying

"Oh no don't"

"Stupid hormones it makes me crazy and laugh out loud more upset than I really am my stupid makeup it gunna run" I sobbed he hugged me

"I know the hormones make you all emotional but also you didn't listen to me when I said you were beautiful, gorgeous and majorly sext which are all true but why were you down anyway" he said wiping my eyes

"I'm fat" I whined

"Of course your fat your pregnant" he said chuckling

"Luke no not foreword out in the hips thighs" I said looking down he lifted my face

"Your not getting fat yeah maybe getting a little more weight on but you won't be big and I'll love no matter what size you are and there has got to be a plus side i mean your boobs are getting bigger and that's a plus for me" he said starting to laugh at the end bit I whacked his arm

"You really know how to make a girl feel better" I said laughing

We got to the party after that stupid emotional thing that happened I said Luke could drink but don't get to drunk it's been an hour or so of me and Ariella sitting on our asses by out selves drinking water or juice what a fun party NOT me and Ariella couldn't keep our eyes open so we thought since we will be driving a car back each we better go before we actually have to sleep I found beau, Elizabeth, James and Daniel Ariella took them to the car and buckled them in and came to help me with the other we found Yasmin and Jai got them in now we had to find Luke and Winter I found Winter dancing and completely drunk and found a drunk Luke in a circle of spin the bottle he was just about to kiss a girl but tapped his shoulder

"It's time to go" I shouted

"Hey bitch don't steal him I was meant to have a kiss" a very slutty and drunk girl shouted

"Sorry you won't be getting a kiss because this is my boyfriend and we have to go" I shout to her I got Luke and pulled him out got him in the front seat and buckled him up I drove home following Ariella we got them all in and in bed with pills next to them and a glass so they can get water I took my shoes off and lay on the bed and fell asleep in my clothes

'Let me tell you in the morning I was majorly grumpy and pissed off and sore so was Ariella and let me tell you two pregnant women like that is not good'

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