Happy and Sad Memories

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Nirvana's POV

I stood up from the chair at Winter and Jai's house outside, all the kids where asleep and cuddled on there parents

"Right I better go it's late and it seems like you guys need to take all you little ones home to bed" I said, I gave everyone hugs and the kids kisses on the foreheads

"I'll walk with you" Luke said getting up from his chair, his girlfriend left not long ago in a tiff because I got pissed off with her bitchy attitude she had, well she was mostly bitchy to me because from what I've heard is that she thinks that since there was five guys and four girls then she was the fifth girlfriend so she thought the group was complete with her and also she just has a attitude all the time apparently and is quite mean to everyone when Luke's not around

"Okay let's go" I said, I grabbed my heels and put them back on, we walked out together and down the path to my house, we stood at the door of my house

"Thanks for walking me home even though it was just next door" I said smiling he smiled back, he shoved his hands in his pockets

"It's okay I'd do anything for you and you know that even if it was small" he said, I nodded

"I know" I said, we stood there for a second, I opened my arms, he smiled and hugged my waist while i hugged his neck

"I missed you" I whispered truthfully i did miss him, I missed him the most out of everyone, I always had a little hope I'd come home and he'd have his arms wide open for me but there was also a part of me knew he'd get over me and he has but if he's happy that's all I want even if she's a bit of a bitch to me he loves her not me and I understand that completely

"I missed you too Vana" he said, I giggled, he called me my nickname, we pulled away form the hug

"Vana I thought I would of been just Nirvana" I said, he still held my waist and my arms hung loosely around his neck

"You'll always be Vana to me" he said truthfully, we let got of each other

"I better go" he said, I nodded he stepped forward and put a hand on my hip, he lent in and kissed my cheek

"I'm glad your back" he said, he turned and walked away down my driveway

"Luke!" I shouted, he stopped and turned

"Wanna have something to eat with me" I said as he walked back, he nodded

"Yeah I'm starving" he said chuckling, I laughed a little, we walked in he sat in the lounge and I walked to the kitchen and got out some ingredients that had been just bought thanks to Winter, I started to make lasagna, I put it in the oven and walked to the lounge Luke was watching TV, I sat beside him

"It's cooking" I said, he looked at me

"What did you make?" He asked

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