⛪️Funeral time⛪️

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Luke's POV

I'm dressing in a nice pair of black jeans black shoes and I have a white button up top I have the tie handing loosely around my neck I'm standing in front of the mirror doing my hair when Nirvana walked in she looked gorgeous she was wearing a black strapless dress that tight at the top and tight under her boobs as well and it flowed from there to about mid thigh and it was a tiny bit longer at the back she had her hair left natural and out the way i like it she also wore some high heels that were shiney and had no toe she had red lipstick which I love on her and a bit of eye makeup

"Your steering Luke" she said giggling and waving her hand in front of my face man I must have been steering for ages she walked up to the mirror and checked her makeup I wrapped my arms around her and she leaned on me and smiled at me through the mirror then she turned to me and not looked at my tie and laughed

"Need help?" She asked tugging my tie

"Yes please" I said she shook her head and tied my tie

"What would I do without you" I said smiling at her she smiled to

"I don't know I seriously don't know" she said giggling

"I love you" I said pulling her by her waist closer to me

"I love you to" she said pecking my lips

"We better head down" she said against my lips

"Ok" I said and pecked her lips again we were about to walk away and she started giggling

"What?" I asked

"You've got red lipstick on your lips" she said using her finger to wipe my lips

"Better?" I asked

"Better" she Laughed and we walked downstairs hand in hand

Nirvana's POV

This is it were at the church front row I don't want to cry because I'm meant to go up and say something for the whole funeral I zoned out and steered at my nonna's coffin Luke held my hand the whole time I was knocked out of my daydream hearing my name

"Now we have one of her granddaughters coming up to say something would Nirvana-Rose Novak come up" the priest said in the microphone I took a deep breath and walked up to the podium

"Hi everyone I'm Nirvana-Rose umm i -I was very close to my nonna when I use to visit with my family nonna me and my siblings loved the movie Peter Pan so every time we came to Italy the first thing we would do is watch that movie my nonna had a quote she use to love and use from that movie it was 'never say goodbye because saying goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting' so every time we would say goodbye to her when we were going back home she would say it to us kids and I know that even if I did say goodbye I would never forget her she's not someone you would ever forget" I paused to take a few breaths to not cry

"Ahh umm nonna and I had very close relationship even if it was in the middle of the night here she would let me call her and talk about my problems even listen to me crying and sobbing over the phone she was easy to talk to and she would alway listen she had the best advice the reason I'm here today is because of her I found a quote that means me and her
'Those special memories of you will always bring a smile if only I could have you back for just a little while then we could sit and talk again just like we used to do you always meant so very much and always will do too the fact that you're no longer here will cause me pain but you're forever in my heart until we meet again' thank you" you croaked out the ending and just boiled my eyes out and covered my mouth and sobbed Luke had to come up and walk me back down he hugged you the rest of the funeral when it came to the end me and Winter got asked to sing Dear Mr President by P!nk ft. Indigo Girls because ever since me and Winter sung it for her a few years ago she loved the song but only when we sang it

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