Elizabeth shows her talent

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Nirvanas POV

We were all sitting in the lounge and we heard big footsteps coming towards the lounge and Elizabeth came running in and smiling like an idiot

"What's up buttercup" Ariella said giggling at her own words we all laughed at her

"Guess what! guess what!" Elizabeth shouted jumping up and down and shaking her arms around

"What what what" I shouted coping her actions everyone laughed

"I'm going to sing at this bar or something the manager sorted it for tonight will you guy come" Elizabeth said

We all agreed and decided to get ready and meet there after all us girls had showers and helped each other with makeup, hair and outfits we were ready to go


Elizabeth's POV

When we got to the place I took everyone in the back so they didn't have to wait in line the security people led then through to the front and a table for them all I stayed in the back waiting till I go on

"Alright your on" some women said I walked on stage with my microphone and started to sing my heart out
(she sings the song above)

Beaus POV

Wow her voice is beautiful and that song is perfect for her the girls told me its an original song and someone wrote it for her but no one said who

James POV

She can sing really well no wonder all the girls have a manager wonder what all the other girls sound like and who wrote the song

Nirvanas POV

I'm so happy Elizabeth performed that song I wrote it for her and I'm glad I did cause it was perfect for her voice the only thing is I don't really want people to know I write I mean not every song I write is good that song is probably the only one that's good

Elizabeth's POV

When I finished the song I head down to everyone else I got congratulated and hugged I went over to Nirvana and sat on her lap (not in a sexual way)

"Thanks for the song" I whispered to her

"It's ok I specially wrote it for you" she whispered back smiling

"I'm gunna go over there now" whispered to her and gave her a hug

"Ok" she whispered back and giving me a hug I got up and sat next to Beau


We were all majorly drunk all I can say is at least we have had a good night but we are going to pay for it in the morning. all of us got out of our taxis and going up to the boys house me and Beau were a little bit more touchy than usual but we kind of couldn't do anything in the taxi because Yasmin and Daniel were having a serious make out session which was not nice I'm glad when we got back they left to his room Ariella and James went to go watch TV they were more sober than everyone Winter and Jai ran upstairs to his room and Nirvana and Luke went to get food me and Beau went up to his room once we got in we kissed and I pushed him on the bed and got on top of him and kissed him again our clothes were going all over the room and you can guess what happened next.

Well it was a memorial night for me and I think everyone else to

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