Chapter Five

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(A.N. It's been about two weeks since everyone has met and they all get on well)

Chapter Five: One Picture Can Start Lots

Luke's POV
I woke up this morning had a shower and got dressed and went downstairs and had breakfast I was quite surprised everyone else was awake well that's a first

"Hey" I said as I was going to the kitchen I got hellos from everyone

"What is everyone doing today?" I asked as I was eating

"Gym" Beau answered

"Gym as well" Jai answered

"Im go hang out with Ariella actually" James answered with a smirk

"I'm taking Yasmin on a date and I double checked with Nirvana to make sure she will like it" Skip answered smiling like an idiot

"What about you" James asked

"I don't know" I answered


My phone made a noise I pulled it out and I got a new message from Nirvana


From: Nirvana
Hey I'm super bored all the girls left me on my own at home so I thought me and you could hang out if your not busy 😊


"Actually I have plans now" I said still looking at my phone smiling

"Someone's happy" Beau said smirking at me

"Shut up" i said probley more like mumble everyone just laughed


To: Nirvana
Hey I have no plans same with me all the boys have decided on what they are doing today•


From: Nirvana
Cool could you pick me up in an hour and you can choose were we go


To: Nirvana
See you then


I clicked my phone off and put it in my pocket

"Where should I take Nirvana" I asked the boys

"Don't take her anywhere major take her some where she will feel comfortable and if you take her somewhere major she'll think your trying to impress her" Beau answered

"Thanks Beau" I said with a genuine smile

"Anytime" he said patting my back and walking out with Jai to go to the gym

"I better get going" James said and left

"Me too" Skip said

"Oh and good luck" he said smiling

"You to" I said

*Hour Later*

Nirvana POV
Once Luke said he will go out I ran up to my room had a quick shower done all the usual thing I need to do dried my body went to my room and put on my under garments went to my walk in wardrobe and looked through my cloths trying to find something casual but still cute and it has to be something that I can were in this hot weather

"Ah ha" I said to myself I found the perfect outfit it's casual yet cute and it is perfect for the hot weather today I had found short sleeved button up top and a pink and white downward striped skirt I had the top tucked in and I put on some white converse (basically like the outfit in the picture up top) now for makeup I put eyeliner on with a wing a the end and mascara also some light pink lipstick I think I look pretty good if I do say so myself

"Fucking hell I got to stop having conversations in my head and note to self do not talk to myself either" I said to myself as I was walking out of my room

"God I'm weird" I said under my breath

"Yeh I'm glad you finally admitted it that is the first step to recovery" Winter said with her hand on my shoulder

"Dickhead" I said as I walked away all I heard was her laughing

"Oh and Luke is at the door" she said when I turned around to thank her she started wiggling her eyebrows at me we just both cracked up laughing

"You better go down to your lover" she said in a funny voice I ran after her a gave her a whack over the head

"Shut up he's not my lover and I'm gunna go now" I said straightening up skirt and walking off

As I got down the stairs I saw Luke with his back to me talking to Elizabeth I quietly walked up behind him and jumped on his back

"Oh shit" he said

"Hello" I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek and hopped off his back

"Hey, ready to go?" He asked looking into my eyes

"Yes lets go" I said as I grabbed his hand a pulled him out the door

"Bye" I shouted before I got out the door

"So where are are we going today" I asked

"I thought we could just go for a walk around the nice park down the road and get ice cream" he answered smiling at me

"Yay that actually sounds really good"

"Good" he said and gave me a kiss on the cheek

*Skip To After The Walk*

We were still at the park walking holding hands till Luke suddenly stopped

"Luke what's wrong" I asked he looked nervous for some reason


"Luke" I said walking so I was right in front him with my hand on his upper arms

"N-nirvana w-will y-you g-go on a d-date with me" he asked nervously, I was shocked did I actually just hear that wow say yes Nirvana hurry up and say something!

"I knew it you didn't like me the boys where lying now it's gunna be awkward between us and I've probably ruined our friendship because of my stupid feelings I'm so sor" I just kissed him he was being stupid all the things he said was completely wrong I pulled away

"Does that answer your question of course I will go on a date with you your being stupid of course I like you" I said smiling at him he smiled and picked me up and spun me around I just giggled he put me down and gave me a peck on the lips

"Let's get ice cream and go back to yours and watch movies" he asked

"Ok" I said smiling up at him he put his arm around my shoulders a gave me a kiss on the forehead I smiled and put my arms around his waist we walked to get ice cream after we had our ice creams we went back to mine and cuddled on the couch and watched movies today was great until mine and Luke's phones were going crazy and when I seen what it was all about it just made my day go from good to bad this is not how I wanted things to go.

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