Court doing something that is not meant for our eyes

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Ariella's POV

We had all woken up and we're watching TV last night the boys had stayed over we basically had a giant sleep over which was fun I had noticed that Elizabeth and Beau wasn't here

"Hey has anyone noticed to of us are missing" I said everyone looked around and nodded

"Well I'm hungry" Skip said and stood up

"Again skippy" Yasmin said looking at him

"yes again" he said and gave her a peck on the lips

"Don't miss me to much" said slowly walking backwards still holding Yasmin's hand

"I will try not to" Yasmin said playing along

"There so cute and perfect for each other" I whispered to James

"They are aren't they" he whispered back

"What the fuck" skip said we all looked at him

"what?" Most of us asked

"It sounds like moaning is coming from the other side" he said pressing his ear up to the door

"What?" Winter said and got up they opened the door and winter screamed and covered her eyes and Daniel closed the door so fast they both sat down

"Beau and Elizabeth were basically just have sex in the kitchen" winter said

The door opened and out came a shirtless Beau with only jeans and messy hair and Elizabeth wearing nothing but Beau's T shirt with also messy hair

"Did you guys have fun" Jai asked smirking at them and everyone started teasing them they both started to walk off

"Going for round two are we" Luke asked wiggling his eyebrows at them

"No actually round three" Elizabeth said smiling at us and they both started to walk off everyone was teasing Beau

"Get in there Beau" Daniel shout at him as they walked away

Beau came back and stuck his head through the door frame

"I plan to" he said smirking at us and wiggling his eyebrows we all laughed

The rest of the day we would not let them got without mentioning what happened it was a day full of laughs and fun

'Im glad I met these boys my life would be way more boring'

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