Nursery time

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Nirvana's POV

The boys were all painting upstairs in the nursery for the baby's me and Ariella were on the couch relaxing because we can't go up there because of the paint fumes the girls and her with us to but every so often they would get up to check to make sure the boys were not being stupid once the paint was finished and dry the put up the wallpaper I choose for one wall it's thick stripes that are yellow and white when the had done that they were putting together all the stuff and getting it in the right places the girls were supervising so they done it right apparently I can't go in there till later just so the paint fumes aren't as strong I have a feeling it's going to look exactly like I wanted.

It's the end of the night everyone has gone home except for Jai so he could be here with Winter I haven't seen Luke all day which Is weird I got up and headed upstairs I looked in our room he wasn't there in the bathroom wasn't there either I headed to the nursery and there he was making the beds and putting things in places I stood in the doorway and watched him not in a creepy way he turned around and noticed me I smiled at him he walked over and brought me in the room

"What do you think?" He asked hugging me from behind and rubbing my belly

"I love it exactly how I imagined it" I said smiling even though he can't see me smiling

"Well in a few months there will be a little girl and a little boy in here" he said kissing my shoulder a few times

"Yeah" I whispered

"Why did you whisper?" He asked whispering also

"Why did you" I whispered back

"I don't know" he whispered

"Neither do I" I whispered and starting to laugh he started laughing to I turned around to face him

"Your such a weirdo" he said laughing

"I may be a weirdo but I'm your weirdo and like I said your an idiot but your my idiot" I said

"Definitely true" he said smiling

'He's such an idiot and I'm such a weirdo what a perfect couple'

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