Holiday day one

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Nirvana's POV

"OMG Disneyland Luke this awesome I've always wanted to go but I've never been able to" I said hugging Luke

"Where staying at Disney's Grand Californian Hotel oh and I got you this" he said pulling out a Minney Mouse SnapBack

"Oh thank you this is so cool" I said putting it on backwards

"How do I look" I said giggling

"Great" he said quickly snapping a picture

"Hey!" I said crossing my arms

"Let's check into the hotel ok" he said chuckling and me being childish

"Ok" I said grabbing his hand

We checked in and went to our room Luke was just gunna have a shower so I went to the shop and he'll meet me there I headed down and found a whole lot of stuff I just couldn't help myself my inner child came out and I bought a lot, lucky I had money and lots of spare room in my suitcase I got out of the shop and I had about 5-6 bags and I know it's over kill I just had to I like so much I sat outside the shop on the bench and took a selfie with my bags of stuff and the shop in the back round I tweeted the picture

@Nirvana_Rose I think I went I little overboard on the shopping at Disneyland sorry @lukebrooks

I noticed lots of people retweeted

"Vana I shouldn't have left you should I?!" Luke shouted walking up to me he reached me shaking his head I held the bags up

"Sorry?" I said

"What the hell did you buy?" He said trying to look in the bags I pulled them away

"Not yet I am taking them back to the room because I've got to change" I said skipping away I turned to him he was just standing there starring at me

"Well you coming" I said laughing he ran up and put his arm around my shoulders we walked back when we got in the room I ran into the bathroom and locked the door I got out some clothes to change into and pink skater skirt with white spots and tight white crop top that has short sleeves and is off the shoulder I started on some makeup I done some black eyeliner and mascara and some pink lipstick on I grabbed my white Minney Mouse ears that had a pink bow with white spots on it in the middle of the ears I went into the room and took the bags and also grabbed the two jackets I bought they are white with hoods and on the back have his and hers on the back I felt like getting it because for some reason I thought It would be cute I walk into the lounge and Luke was on his phone I stood in front of him and cleared my throat he looked up and just steered

"So what Cha think" I said with my hands on my hips and bending one of my legs

"You look beautiful and cute and whats are those in your hand" he said and pointing to the jackets

"Oh here" I said passing his one he looked at it and smiled and I showed the back of mine to him he smiled even more

"This cool what else did you buy" he asked putting it on and standing up and hugging my waist

"Ahh and few more couple things and more Minney ears umm I think a few other things" I said slipping my arms around his neck and pecked his lips quickly

"Let's go have some fun" I said doing a little jump and clapping I put my matching jacket and we headed out to have a day full of fun.

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