Home Sweet Home

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Nirvana's POV

It's been two weeks in hospital and we can finally bring out week old babies home, I have gotten the boys dressed, feed, burped and in there carrier where they are just laying awake looking around, I had one of our girls all dressed, feed and burped, she was Laying on the bed wiggling a little, I had our other little girl all ready and laying in my arms crying, Luke walked as she just got louder and took her off me and calmed her down while I put our other girl in her carrier like he did as well once she stopped crying, I turned to Luke putting my arms around his neck as he put his around my waist

"We are going to mums to announce our little ones names with Jai and Winter" he said

"Yeah I know I can't wait to hear what Jai and winter named there little ones" I said smiling, Luke kissed my forehead, the nurse walked in

"Paper work is done your ready to leave" she said walking out, i let go of Luke and picked up our boys while her grabbed our girls, we walked out to the car and set the babies car carriers in, we got in and headed to Gina's.

We got outside Gina's house and all the cars were there even Jai and winters, me and Luke got the babies out of the car and headed inside we got to the lounge everyone said hi

"So when do I get to know all my grand babies names?" Gina asked, smiling

Winter stood up

"Okay well we decided the first born boy will be named Hunter Brooks our second boy and Caxton Brooks our girl is Olympia Brooks" winter said smiling

"I love those names" I said, one of our boys started to cry, I looked at him, and slowly stood up, I was still in pain from having them, I went over and picked him up out of his carrier and rocked him slowly which made him, slowly stop, I wiped his tears away and held him in my arms, I kissed him on his nose which made him wrinkle it, I giggled at him

"My little Maddox" I whispered to him, I looked up and everyone was smiling at me

"His name is Maddox" Beau asked, I looked at Luke

"Oops" I said, he chuckled at me

"Yes our first born is Maddox Brooks" Luke said smiling proudly, I walked over and past Maddox too him, who defiantly was daddy's boy, I picked up our second born, our girl, I put her on Luke's other arm she also was a daddy's girl

"And our second born but first girl is Aspen Brooks our other boy is Kaiden Brooks and our last Octavia Brooks" I said smiling, they all smiled

"Aw I want to hold my granddaughters and have a photo" Gina said

"And I'll my grandsons" my mum and dad said, we carful lay set Olympia, Aspen and Octavia on Gina's lap, we gave my mum Kaiden and Caxton then my dad Maddox and Hunter, we took photos of the grandparents and there grandchildren and everyone else had photos with the babies, we stayed till lunch and ate together, but me, Luke, Winter and Jai had to go to take our little ones home.

I had just feed, burp, changed and wrapped all our babies, there all laying next to each other in one cot, that's how small they are if all four can lay in one cot, I just looked down at them so small and perfect the right mixture of me and Luke, I felt arms wrap around me from behind,I  looked back to see Luke I leaned back on him

"Look at them" I whispered

"There perfect I know" he whispered back, he kiss my shoulder and leaned his chin on my shoulder

"I'm so happy we had them Luke" I whispered, I felt him nod in agreement, we walked out of the bedroom and sat in the lounge

"I just only wish Eve and Ezra were here" I said looking at Luke

"Me too but they will always be with us just think about our miracles in the other room were lucky that we even got them after what you told me how you have problems getting pregnant" he said, my eyes started to water

"You know how I decided to leave it wasn't just because I need to start fresh and find myself" I said my voice cracking, he frowned

"A little bit after the twins I found out that I was pregnant but it wasn't right the egg was in the Fallopian tube it never reached the uterus so I had to have an operation to remove the unborn baby and one of my Fallopian tubes I only have one so you could say those babies in there are more than miracles that's why I still can't believe there actually here and I'm sorry I never told you it was just so hard you were trying to get over Eve and Ezra I didn't want you to mourn a baby that never even had the chance to live and I didn't want you to know about loosing one of my Fallopian tube which would mean possible no other kids" I said crying, I looked at Luke, he was crying to

"Oh nirvana you had to go through that alone" he said pulling me in for a hug

"Lovette-Adora" I said, he pulled away from the hug

"What?" He asked confused

"I imagined the baby as a girl Lovette-Adora is her name Lovette means little loved one and Adora means beloved one" I said, he smiled

"Beautiful you always have a thing for names and that one was perfect and I have a feeling that baby would have been a girl too so we have our twins Eve and Ezra Brooks and our little girl Lovette-Adora Brooks looking down on us and there siblings" he said, I leaned my forehead against his with my arms around his neck

"I love you" I whispered

"I love you too" he whispered back, we kissed quickly, I'm happy I told him about the other baby and that our little ones are healthy.

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