Two Years Later

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Winter's POV

There was a knock at the door Elizabeth walked out to the door with Olivia on her hip I heard Elizabeth scream Olivia ran in to Beau

"Auntie Vanas here Auntie Vanas here!" She shouted Tea jumped off the swing and ran inside with Olivia and Oliver and in came my sister holding Tea on her hip Nirvana looked older and seemed more mature too she had a tight black jumpsuit with a cut out the side black pointed toe stiletto heels her hair was tied back in a high pony tail that was straight and she had black lace cat ears headband on and her makeup was nice and basic her eyes were done with a golden bronze eye shadow and black eyeliner with a wing her lips were done with a light pink matte lipstick I noticed her hair was died full dark brown she smiled all us girls got up Yasmin had Zoela In her arms and Ariella had Maddy-Rose in her arms

"My sister is back" I said and hugged her we gave the kids to the boys and us girls had a group hug we all laughed we sat around the outside table

"I just noticed your hair is fully dark brown" Ariella said

"Yeah I dyed it fully brown" she said smiling

"Excuse me but who are you" Luke girlfriend Cassidy said In a bitch tone I rolled my eyes

"The question is who are you" Nirvana said sassily

"I'm Cassidy Luke's girlfriend" she said smirking

"I'm Nirvana-Rose my twin is winter my best friends since well birth is the rest of the girl also the guys oh and better not leave this out I'm Luke's ex girlfriend" Nirvana said Cassidy looked like she was trying to say something back but she just shut up Maddy-Rose was crying but wouldn't stop

"Here let me try" Nirvana said she got up and took Maddy-Rose and held her on her chest she started to sing quietly and Maddy slowly stopped crying and went to sleep.

Luke's POV

I can't believe she's back and watching her hold Maddy made me see her and our little ones she would always slowly rock them and sing quietly to them and they'd fall asleep easily I felt all these feelings come back but they can't I'm with Cassidy I was knocked out of my thoughts when James talked

"What we never get her to sleep that easy" James said shocked Nirvana smiled

"With Eve and Ezra I done this" she said she past Maddy to James Tea and Olivia ran to her

"Can we play" they asked her she nodded she took her heels off and held them hands and they walked to the swing set she set them in the seat and stood in front of them and pushed them the were laughing and talking

"I glad Nirvana is back" Jai said everyone agreed with him I didn't answer but deep down I missed her to death even though I won't admit it to anyone or even myself.

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