Proper Family

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Nirvana's POV

I'm officially two months pregnant with my beautiful little miracles, I found out that after these babies are born I won't be able to conceive ever again and once Luke heard that he has gotten more protective than he ever was, a week ago I got out of hospital and Luke took me to an old spot we use to go to when I was here before and it was right at the end of the beach were no one goes and there is this large tree were Luke carved our names when we first got together then it have Eve and Ezra with there dates and when he took me there he carved 'New beautiful little miracles on the way' I found that cute he even asked me to be his girlfriend properly and of course I said yes, he gave me a ring which I didn't expect it was gold band with small Ruby's going around it inside it had 'L&N' in cursive writing, it sits on my ring finger, so when we saw our friends they thought we were engaged, when we told them no they just think we're secretly engaged.

I got up to the door since someone was ringing it constantly, I opened to reveal my boyfriend, he smiled at me and moved to the side and there I saw boxes of things for the babies

"Oh my god Luke your amazing" I said shocked, I put my hands on either cheek and kissed him, he carried the stuff in one of the empty rooms

"Go on see what I got" Luke said smiling, I got the craft knife and cut in the tape, I pulled out a pure black car seat that will be perfect for leaving the hospital and having them in the car

"Wow this is one of those good ones we couldn't afford last time" I said, he sat beside me

"And I got three others that match and when we find those soft inners and get them in pink or blue when we find out what we're having" he said, I kissed his cheek, we opened the other ones and Luke put them side by side against the wall, he put a large box in front of me, I cut it open to find a pure black pram

"It's a twin pram and I got another one they can be positioned anyway you want it and I got the person who made it get it made so we can add the other one on if we want to" he said

"That's awesome it'll make it easier on us" I said I looked at the four tall skinny ones

"Are they cots?" I asked him pointing to the boxes

"Yeah I got four but at the first couple months we'll use two because two can share one but once there a bit bigger then they'll have there own" he said and turned the box to show a picture of a pure white crib

"And I got mattresses as well also I know you wanted these with the twins two portable cribs and two of those beds that you hang from the ceiling" he said i smiled

"Yay that means we can hang two in my room and the portable ones can sit in there to for when we'll use them" I said happily, he chuckled at my reaction

"And last but not least two black changing tables and white mat with those white bins to dispose of the nappies" he said pointing to another two boxes with the extra things beside it, I got to my feet

"So there's the stuff for there babies  room" he said, I looked around at it all and thought if he's given me these then what's happening with his house

"Move in" I said randomly

"What?" He asked confused

"I mean move in here with me it looks like the babies will be here and your gunna have to go back and forth plus were a couple and also I'll need you during the pregnancy and I don't really want to be alone after what happened" I said rambling on, he walked towards me holding my waist

"Are you serious?" he asked I nodded he kissed my lips

"Of course I will plus it'll be good we'll be a proper family plus you have a bigger house and it'll be good when the kids are in toddler years" he said I smiled and jumped in his arms he held me up

"We're moving in together" I shouted laughing

"We're moving in together" he shouts after me, we both laughed, finally getting our life together.

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