Meeting my babies

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Nirvana's POV

I was in my hospital room the nurse had grabbed my triangle pillow and put it on my legs in front of me two nurses walked in with a baby each they laid one on one side of the pillow they other one on the other side the girl was wearing a pink bunny onesie it had long floppy ears on it to and he was wearing a blue bear onesie they looked cute Luke didn't want me to buy them but I hid them in the trolley and got them I looked at them and they were just so cute on them I looked at Luke and he was fast asleep I looked back at my babies they had there eyes wide open looking around I lent down and kissed there noses I did a giggle at how they crinkled there noses up I heard the door I looked up to see Gina

"Hey" she whispered she lent over and had a look at them she went over and put a blanket on Luke

"Can I hold" she asked I nodded she grabbed the boy i cradled the girl in my arms as the doctors said she is a lot smaller I put the triangle pillow at the end of the bed I looked down at her and she was holding my finger looking at me as well

"Hi" I said In a high voice I slowly lifted her to lay on my chest and I leaned back I was rubbing her back she was slowly closing her eyes and going to sleep

"Your really good with her" Gina said

"Yeah I must be she's so calm with me but when the nurse brought her in she was squirming around" I said I looked down at her she was fast asleep on my chest Gina was walking with the boy in her arms and patting his bum lightly I started to fall asleep.

Luke's POV

I woke up and I had a blanket on me I could of sworn that I no blanket before I look up and see mum and the my little boy

"Ahh your finally awake" mum said

"Yeah" I said sitting up and putting the foot rest down mum came over

"You want to hold your boy?" Mum asked

"Yeah definitely" I said happily she past him over gently i cradled him in my arms he had his eyes open he was looking right at me his hand was gripping my finger

"Wheres my girls" I asked mum looking at her quickly

"Look over at Nirvanas bed" mum told me I look up to see Nirvana asleep with our baby girl on her chest asleep I grabbed my phone and passed it to mum

"Can you take a photo of me and him and a photo of them" I asked her she nodded and took the photos

"You should look in you gallery I took a couple other photos you should really put a password on your phone" mum said I looked and found a few new photos they were of Nirvana and both the baby's

I heard some little noises I looked over to see my little girl was move a little I saw Nirvanas eyes opened straight away she sat up more and started rubbing her back I calmed her down a bit she put her so she was slightly sitting up on her knee and reached and grabbed something I looked she had put a dummy In her mouth

"Gina" she asked

"Yeah sweetie" mum asked

"Could you get the nurse I think she's hungry" Nirvana asked my mum

"Yeah sure be back in a second" mum said walking out I walked over and sat facing Nirvana

"Swap" she asked

"I don't know she seems really small" I said unsure

"Come on its okay you won't hurt her" she said smiling and rubbing my shoulder

"Pass me him in my spare arm" she said I did as I was told

"Now put one hand in the front and one under her bum and as you lift her you slowly lay her on the that's holding her bum" Nirvana explained I did what she said and got her in my arms

"Wow she's so small and light compared to him" I said shocked

"Yeah she like a little China doll" Nirvana said I lent over and kissed her lips I stayed close to her lips

"What was that's for" Nirvana mumbled

"Because you done so well with all this and you gave me these little ones after all the drama" I said leaning back again I heard the door and the nurse came in with two bottles and clipboard under her arm

"Right here's your feed for them it's time and we need to do some questions I have to ask" she said me and Nirvana got the bottles and set them in there mouths

"Ok have you got names and last names for your little ones yet" the nurse asked

"Yes we actually" Nirvana said

"There last names are brooks B-R-O-O-K-S" Nirvana told her I smiled they get my last names

"And The girls name is Eve and the boys name is Ezra" Nirvana added on

"What about middle names" the nurse asked

"Ahh yes but I'll have ask first" Nirvana answered she looked at me

"Yeah" I asked

"What about Winter for Eve's middle name and Xavier for Ezra's middle name" she said asking me

"Yes I'm ok with that" I said

"Ok so we have Eve Winter Brooks and Ezra Xavier Brooks" the nurse asked we both nodded she added the tags around there wrists with there names and dates of birth

"Ok I'll leave you guys to be alone" she said and walked off

"I have something to call you guys now your nameless" Nirvana said

"Eve and Ezra Brooks" I said

"I love it" I said and looked at Nirvana

"Me to" she said

'Eve Winter Brooks and Ezra Xavier Brooks'

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