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Winter's POV

"Babe seriously you need to see the doctor you've been like this for a while and it's been really bad I can tell your in pain please" Jai said through the door, I got up from the bathroom floor and flushed the toilet, I brushed my teeth and opened the door to my worried husband

"Okay but it will be nothing" I said sighing, I slowly walked out with him and got in the car Jai got to the hospital and he helped me out, I felt weak so he picked me up and carried me, In the nurses took me away and took me to a room, they started to take tests and hook me up to a drip, Jai held my hand the whole time which I was happy with the nurses said they'll be back later with results, so I just lay there for hours waiting and finally a doctor walked in

"Hello Mrs.Brooks and Mr.Brooks we've got your tests back Winter" he started to say

"And I'd like to say congratulations you are pregnant what your experiencing now is severe morning sickness" he said, I gripped Jai's hand so tight, the doctor walked out

"We're going to be parents" Jai said I looked at him, he hugged me tightly, I'd thought i would never get the chance to be a mum, we called everyone and told them what happened and the good news, I found out I have to stay in here till I'm well enough, so Nirvana promised she'd come everyday so I wouldn't be alone.


It's been a week since I've been in hospital and I'm leaving today, but I'm worried about Nirvana the last two days she didn't visit me and she hasn't been in contact with me and by the sounds of it anyone.

Nirvana's POV

I've been on the floor for two days in pain my phone is too far away from me, every time I move I get pains and there a bit of blood, no one has even checked to see were I am anyway, a couple days ago before this something happened and now I know what's happening now.

~Start Of Flashback~

I walked up to my bathroom dreading doing this but I have to I need to know, I opened the pharmacy bag and pulled out a box a box that you could say change my future, three sticks, three things that is going to tell me if my Mistake I did a week ago, the three sticks will tell me if I'm not pregnant with his child or I am pregnant with his child which would be a miracle even if I did because I can't conceive properly I was lucky enough to have my two little angels Eve and Ezra, if I am I feel like I'm replacing them, but I still can't believe there's a possibility of me being pregnant again with a child, with his child again, I pulled the three sticks out and I peed on them and sat them in the sink waiting for what seemed like hours for my timer to go off so I could know if My Mistake turned into a Beautiful Mistake, the timer went off, I walked up to my sink and looked down all three of those sticks showed two lines those two lines means My Mistake has turned into a Beautiful Mistake one that is hopefully going to be with me forever and not leave me like my other two Beautiful Mistakes.

~End Of Flashback~

"Please don't leave me" I whispered crying while running my thumb lightly on my stomach, then I heard a loud knock

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