I want to go back to Australia

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Nirvana's POV

I have been thinking that I would like to go back to Australia because my family is there Luke's family is there and I'm five months pregnant and if I don't go now them I won't be able to fly to and I also want to have my baby in Australia my home and I think I'll go even if Luke won't because I need my mum and Gina and I heard Ariella on the phone to her mum about coming home as well she needs her family and Ariella haven't meet James family person only through Skype and they seem to love her which is good and I haven't seen Gina in probably a years same for my family I think I have decided what I'm going to do I headed down stairs as fast as a five month pregnant girl can go and again everyone was in the lounge of the boys house

"Hey everyone" I said

"Hey" they all said

"Umm I've been thinking" I said

"Now that's a first" Winter said I grabbed a pillow and chucked it at her It hit her right in the face

"Damn for a pregnant girl you can throw good and hard man" Winter said

"Any as I was saying I want to go back to Australia" I said

"What!" Luke shouted and walked out

"For fuck sake he doesn't let me finish I have to go back I want to have the baby at my home of Australia and I want my family and Gina I need my mum and I need Gina I can't do this without them" I said

"Guys I want to go back as well actually my mum asking me to" Ariella said

"I'll go with you girls" James said

"Thanks James" I said

"I'll be going as well" Winter said

"Thanks Win I better go see Luke" I said

I went upstairs to Luke's room I knocked no one answered I walked In he was sitting against the wall on his bed sat down and lay my head on his lap

"Why did you over react" I asked

"I don't know I'm sorry but why do you want to go to Australia" he said

"If you stayed to listen then you would of heard I have to go back I want to have the baby at my home of Australia and I want my family and Gina I need my mum and I need Gina I can't do this without them" I said looking at him

"I understand I'll go back with you as well at least I get to see my family and friends for a few months" he said smiling just he said that everyone barged in and gin the bed

"Guess what!" Beau yelled in my ear

"WHAT!" I shouted even louder in his ear everyone laughed

"We're all going home to Glenroy Australia" he said

"Really?" I asked he nodded i hugged his side

"We leave in a couple days because soon Ariella won't be able to fly and as well as you" Elizabeth said adding to what beau said

"Australia here we come" all us girls shouted and started giggling like crazy the boys laughed at us

'Australia here we come'

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