Meeting Tim...For The First Time...

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I changed what Abby looks like and her age, so please go reread the intro. Thanks!

Ellie POV

"Wow! How many languages do you guys speak?" I hear our friend Nicky ask.

"About 10," Nick says.

"Which ones?"

"English, עִברִית, Española, عربى, Türk, français, پښتو, Deutsche, Italiana, and русский." (English, Hebrew, Spanish, Arabic, Turkish, French, Pashto, German, Italian, and Russian) (Each one in their own language)

"She said each one in their own language. I will say them in the order she said them but in English. English, Hebrew, Spanish, Arabic, Turkish, French, Pashto, German, Italian, and Russian," Nick says.

"Woah!" pretty much everyone says.

-After School -

Tony's POV

After school, the bus brought us home, and we picked up Ellie and Nick, then I drove everyone to Abby's preschool to pick her up. The whole drive Ellie and Nick were complaining because we weren't going directly to NCIS to see Tim.

"Ellie, Nick. Calma per favore," Ziva says, turning around to face them.(Ellie, Nick. Calm down please.) (Italian)

"Ma ... Ma ... Ma ... Siamo troppo eccitati. Perché non possiamo andare ORA ???????" Nick complains. (But...But...But... We are too excited. Why can't we go NOW???????) (Italian)

"Просто помните, Тим никогда раньше не видел и не поддерживал Эбби лично, поэтому мы ее возьмем." (Just remember, Tim has never seen or held Abby in person before, so we are bringing her.) (Russian)

"Bien, mais je ne dis pas que j'aime ça," Nick states. (Fine, but I am not saying I like it.) (French)

"Ziva deli olduğunu düşünüyorum," I hear Ellie whisper. (I think Ziva is mad.) (Turkish)

"Evet, bilerek dil değiştirdi," Nick whispers back. (Yeah, she switched languages on purpose.) (Turkish)

I interrupt them. "We are here. You guys stay in the car, I will be right back."

"NOOO," both of the kids shout together. "We want to come!!"

"Fine, I will stay in the car," Ziva says.

"Thanks, Ziv."

We all get out of the car and Nick and Ellie run towards the first door. Nick asks if he can tell them that we are picking up 'Малышка Эбби' so I say yes because I do not want to make the mad 8-year-old madder. (Abby's nickname meaning Baby Abby.) (Russian)

"Hello, we are here to pick up Abby Gibbs. I'm her older brother!!" He says excitedly and politely. 

"Yeah, go ahead, she is in that room over there." She points to the room behind us.

"Thank you!" Ellie says.

We walk into the room and Nick calls out, "Малышка Эбби!! We are here!!" She immediately looks up when she hears her nickname.

"Пойдем к Тимми, малышка Эбби !!" Abby knows what we are saying. She knows Tim's name in Russian because we say it so often. (Let's go see Timmy, Baby Abby!!) (Russian)

-At NCIS Headquarters-

Abby's POV:

We get off of the elevator on the squad room's floor. Yes, I have perfect grammar, I'm just not able to fully put it into words yet, at least that other people know of. When I see Timmy, I am going to say my first words, 'Тимми! Я скучал по тебе!' That means 'Timmy! I missed you' in Russian. I have been working on it in bed when nobody is around, so I can surprise them. I have only seen Timmy on FaceTime calls and Skype, but I do miss him. I see him now!

Timmy sees us and starts walking over here. "Hi, kids! Oh, Abby, you are so cute." We are over at the desks now, Tim is sitting at his desk. I reach for him and when he grabs me I say, "Тимми! Я скучал по тебе!" Everyone looks at me very surprised. (Timmy! I missed you!) (Russian)

"Я выучил русский, чтобы вас удивить, ребята !! Русский мой родной язык!" I say to still very surprised people. (I learned Russian so I could surprise you guys!! Russian is my first language!) (Russian)

I know this chapter is very short. I just wanted to get something up today!

668 words

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