
22 1 0

Published on 9/5/2021

(A.N. This chapter has A LOT of music so I made it short. Please listen to the music bc they are different than the real songs! Also, I'm not gonna do the "Previously on..." bc it's just a bunch of song lyrics.)

Jeanne's POV:

I wasn't actually asleep, I woke up while he was getting us food. I just wanted to see what he was willing to do to wake me up.

I can't believe his voice. I've heard him singing while he was in the shower, especially when we were little. I haven't really heard him sing much since then.

I open my eyes and look up at him.

"It's about time you woke up!" While he was singing, he lifted my head onto his lap. As soon as he's done, I raise my head and kiss him.

"That was beautiful!" I whisper into his ear.

I look over and see his whole family staring at him in shock. I guess they haven't really heard him sing either. I look back towards Tony. He's smiling at me like a nerd. He's so cute like that. Especially with his glasses on. He's wearing them right now and I just want to pinch his cheeks.

"You should sing more," I whisper in his ear

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"You should sing more," I whisper in his ear.

"I will later!" He says while winking.

-1 hour later-

He picks up his guitar and says, "Let's go downstairs with everybody else."

"Ok! I am taking requests!" He says once we are downstairs.

"How about......"I think out loud, "Driver's License?"

"Okay." He gets his guitar ready and I walk over to the piano to duet with him.

"Next I'm gonna do Traitor since we're on an Olivia roll!" I stay at the piano to help out.

"Babe! Let me play the piano this time!! Pleaseeeeeeeee" he begs.

"Fine." I give him a peck on the cheek as I walk pass. I grab the guitar instead which is a little big for me. Seeing me hold this huge guitar made Tony laugh.

"MY TURN!!!" I yell like an angry 3 year old. I sit down at the piano after Tony rolls his eyes and chuckles.

"I want to go!!!!" Ellie says. I get up off of the piano bench and she takes my place.

Now Nick wants to go. He grabs Tony's guitar. It's wayyyyyyyyyy too big but that makes it cute. He wants Ellie to duet with him so Ellie sits on one of those box things where when you hit it it makes a good sound.

"I want Tony to go again!!" I whine after Ellie and Nick are done.

"Okay, okay." He walks to the piano.

He immediately goes into another song.

"I think I'm going to go now," Gibbs says unexpectedly. Everybody just stares at him. Except Tony. I think he's already heard his father's voice.

(Pretend he is a little older tho)

After that, Ziva went.

And again.

"Jenny, do you want to go?" I ask.

"No, but I do want you to go again Jeanne"

"Ok I guess. But first, I want Tony to sing this thing that I wrote. It is Driver's License but from the boys point of view"

"My turn! It is another one I wrote. Again, it's Driver's License but this time, it's from the blonde girls point of view."

(That's it! Like I said, I made it a lot shorter to make sure that you actually listened to the songs. I feel like that when people put music videos in their stories, nobody ever watches them so thank you for listening to them!!! And, I may or may not have changed how everybody looks so pls go back to the first chapter and look at them now! Sry! Also, I might make a new cover for the story so stay tuned for that ig! Bye!)


648 words

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