
25 1 22

Published on 06/29/2022

Previously on NCIS Family

"Jeanne? Is something going on at home?" I ask.

"No, what? Why would you ask that?"

"Jeanne, um," Tony starts. "Your um... your shirt lifted a little last night." Jeanne immediately gets a look on her face, as if she made a mistake.

"You aren't in trouble Jeanne, I promise."

"I know Mr. Gibbs, it's just... she might do something to me."

"We are going to keep you safe but I need to know everything."


Tony's POV:

As Jeanne describes the things her mother has done to her I am horrified. It turns out that her dad was the only person there for her besides my family but we don't count. We were merely the best friend's family.

I wish her dad didn't get mixed up in the gun business because he would still be alive and she would be more okay. She still wouldn't be fully okay because her mom was still in the picture. When my dad and our team are done with her though she won't be. I will make sure she never sees the light of day in freedom. Whether that means I kill her myself or lock her up.

I think smoke is coming out of my ears or something because Dad gives me a certain look.

"Tony, upstairs, now."

I stand up out of my chair and go to my room, Dad following less than 2 minutes later.

"Tony, you need to calm down. You got too mad down there."

"I'M GONNA KILL HER. Why would she do that to her own child?"

"Tony, I know it's hard but you need to follow rule number ten for this."

"Never get personally involved on a case? How the hell am I supposed to do that? SHE'S MY GIRLFRIEND. I would die for her. How am I just supposed to sit here and not do anything? Plus, you burned that rule. I saw you."

"You won't be doing nothing, you will be lead on the case. Just know that if you go too far you will be off the case and I will take lead."

At this point, I am crying but I refuse to admit it. Dad steps forward and hugs me. I just stand there, not hugging back,  with my face in my fists, crying still.


We are back on the couch and Jeanne keeps describing these really graphic things. I am sitting so close to her that she might as well be on my lap. I'm holding her hand tighter than I ever had before and she just takes it because she knows I need this human contact right now, especially from her. I am just looking at the carpet, memorizing the patterns when a tear drops onto Jeanne's hand. She wasn't supposed to know that I'm crying.

She looks down at me and then back at my dad. He gets up and goes to the basement.

"Babe, Tony, look at me." I shake my head. I don't want her to see me like this. I personally believe that I am an ugly crier. She grabs my chin and guides my face to meet hers. I turn so I am facing her.

"Tee, everything will be okay. Your dad is working on my case. When has he ever let a case get away from him?" I look back down at our intertwined hands. And she lets go. I am so confused until she puts one on my face and one on the back of my head. I look back up at her and she kisses me. It starts getting deeper when I hear something.

"Ewwwwwwwwwwww!"It's Elraye, Nicky, and Abs. They must have just gotten home from the park.

"Not now kids, not the time," I say resting my forehead on Jeanne's and closing my eyes.

"Sorry Tony," they say running up the stairs, El carrying Abby.

"Stop running, you guys aren't better enough yet."

"Sorry, Tony!"

Jeanne kisses me again, this time full of love.

"I heard you earlier, please don't kill my mom. She is still related to me."

"But she shouldn't be! She deserves it. That... thing ... did unspeakable things to you."

"I know Tony but I don't want you getting locked up because you killed my mother."

I am crying again and I can't speak. My throat hurts from crying too much. So, I just lift Jeanne into my lap and hug her as tight as I can. My face is buried into her neck, my hands around her waist. Her legs wrap around me as she melts into my hug.

This chapter made me feel so lonely. I HATE BEING SINGLE. In 37 days I will have been single for a year.

It's also my best friend's birthday so this chapter goes out to her! I would tag her but I don't think she wants people to know it's her birthday.

Sorry, the chapter is so choppy. I just had all of these ideas flow out of me.

807 words

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