Tony? In Love? No Way!

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Published on 6/15/2021

Previously on NCIS Family

I grab Tracker from Ima and Ellie grabs Scout from Abba. Tracker and Scout are the Service Dogs we got after we got kidnapped. Abba hands me my awesome prosthetic and Ima hands Ellie her hearing aids and glasses.

Tracker and Scout are still going through training because they are still puppies but they will be fully trained by this time next year.

Ellie's POV:

When we get home, Nick opens the front door and we both almost fall to the ground from a heart attack.

NCIS Theme

Tony's POV:

Ellie and Nick almost had a heart attack yesterday. When we got home, they opened the front door after Nick begged to "do the keys," and everybody from the office jumped out. Director Vance set it up with Dad when we were gone. Anyways, it is Ziva and mine's birthday today. There won't be a surprise party for us of course. That would be WAYYYY to predictable

"Buongiorno mamma e papà," I say as I walk into the living room. (Good morning Mom and Dad) (Italian)

"Buongiorno Tony," both of my parents respond, one at a time. (Good morning Tony) (Italian)

"په دې ښه سهار څنګه یاست؟" I say, switching up the language. (How are you on this fine morning?) (Pashto)

"Я на самом деле в порядке," Dad says, switching the language to his favorite, Russian. (I'm actually okay) (Russian)

"אני חושב שגם אני בסדר," Mom responds, switching the language to her favorite. (I think I'm okay too) (Hebrew)

"Das ist gut." (That is good) (German)

"Warum bist du heute so glücklich?" Dad asks. (Why are you so happy today?) (German)

"I am going to ask my crush out today!"

"And who is that?" Ziva asks while walking into the kitchen, where the rest of us have all migrated.

"One Miss Jeanne Benoit!"

"Jeanne Benoit! As in my best friend, Jeanne Benoit?"


"Can I tell you a secret?"

"Ummmmm of course!"

"Jeanne has had a crush on you since fourth grade. For the past 3 years she has been waiting for you to ask her out."

Ziva's POV:

The look on Tony's face is priceless. I double over with laughter.

Tony's POV:

"Why are you laughing?"

"Your......Face........." Ziva replies while wheezing. She can't stop.

"Tony, please go wake up Nick and Ellie," Mom asks.

I run up the stairs and turn right 180 degrees so I'm facing the hallway. I get to their room and I start jumping on Ellie's bed.

"Wake up Elraye!" I switch to Nick's bed.

"Wake up Luis!" I switch beds again.

"Come on Charlie!"


They groan as they roll out of bed.

"Last week of school. Don't be lazy!!" I say and skip out of the room.

I get down stairs and start whistling.

"I'll see you later," I call out as I walk out of the front door.

As I'm driving to school, I pass Jeanne's house. "Today is the day," I say to myself.

Ellie's POV:

Nick and I get downstairs and everybody looks stunned.

"Why is Tony so happy. Wait! Don't answer that. Who is he in love with this time?"

"Жанна Бенуа," Abby replies (Jeanne Benoit) (Russian)

"He is going to ask her out today," Ziva adds.

"Ahhhhhh. Hasn't Jeanne had a crush on him since like fifth grade?" I ask.

"Fourth," Ima and Abba say at the same time.

"Comment diable avez-vous su ça ?" Nick asks. (How the heck did you guys know that?) (French)

"Ziva nous l'a déjà dit. De plus, cela a été assez évident. C'est comme une de ces situations où ils s'aiment mais tout le monde sauf eux le sait. Tu sais ce que je veux dire?" Dad responds. (Ziva already told us. Plus, it has been pretty obvious. It's like one of those situations where they love each other but everybody except them knows. You know what I mean?) (French)

"זה הכי הרבה ששמעתי אותך אומר אבא,"
Nick says in disbelief. (That is the most I have ever heard you say Abba.) (Hebrew)

Tony's POV:

It's finally after school. I told Jeanne to meet me at the lake behind the catholic church at the end of our street. Jeanne lives in the house next door. She moved in during the summer between 3rd and 4th grade.

When I get home, I run up to my room to change. I get into a dress shirt. I unbutton the top 2 buttons and rolled up the sleeves to my elbows. I also get into my swimming trunks. I told Jeanne to wear her swimming suit. I go to the bathroom and make my hair messy. I wrinkle my shirt a little. That's just my style!

It is 4:30. I told Jeanne to meet me at 5. I get the picnic basket full of food and a pretty picnic blanket into the basket on my bike and I head out for the lake.

I get there at 4:45. Just enough time to set up! I set everything up on top of the cliff that we like to jump off of. Oh no! I never told Jeanne where to meet me. I might as well text her. I hope she has her phone.

Hey! Meet me at top of the diving cliff!

Look behind you!

I turn around to see Jeanne sitting on a rock behind me. She is beautiful. Wow!

Jeanne's POV:

Tony turns around to look at me after I text him. He is sooooooooo handsome!

"Hi Tony!"

"H...h...h...hi." He is so cute when he stutters.

I look past him and see a beautifully set out dinner. Cheese platters, grapes, soda, cucumber sandwiches, the whole shebang! Oh! The candles are soooooooooo pretty!

Tony's POV:

"Come eat," I say, finally regaining my voice.  I set her out a plate with a couple different types of cheese, three cucumber sandwiches, and a couple cheese crackers.

"What are we doing here Tony," she asks after we finish eating.

"Just having a friendly diner," I reply.

"Who am I kidding?" I ask after a couple minutes of silence. Or at least what felt like a couple of minutes.

"Jeanne, I've liked you for a long time now. I don't know what to say. This has never been my strong suit. I really, and I mean REALLY, like you Jeanne. Just looking at you makes me smile. I don't know if you've noticed. Thinking about you makes the whole world stop. Dreaming about you gives me sleepless nights. That is probably not good for my health but that's not the point," that makes her laugh, "Jeanne, will you be my girlfriend and let me love you 'till the end of time?"


1132 words

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