Stupid Smugness

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Published on 1/31/23

Happy New Year!

Previously on NCIS Family...

"Tony, listen to me. Is everything okay?" I say while sitting up. He's been avoiding my question; it is very much possible something is horribly wrong.

"Yeah, sorry? Can you bring the kids down here?"

"Of course. Explain to me when we get there?"


"Ok, I'm going to go round them up. I love you."

"Love you too, bye babe.

"Bye babe, everything will be okay."

"I know."

First time of 2023!


Jeanne's POV:

"Tony? What's going on?" I ask walking into the squad room. I stop in my tracks when I see my mother's face on the plasma screen.

"You didn't..."

"I'm sorry Jeanne, I had to help you. It wasn't fair to you."

"Can I go see her?"

Gibbs interrupts, "Only through observation, she can't know you're here. We have to play our cards right."

I just nod and walk away, going through the hallway to the right of the elevator to get to Observation Room 2.

Gibbs' POV:

That girl is going to do something harsh, not because she wants her mother around, but because she wants a stable home life.

I wish she had one to begin with, but we get the cards we are dealt, and some people are just given better cards. 

I'm going to do the best I can to help her. Even if that means fostering or adopting her myself.

Jeanne's POV:

She looks so smug. How can someone look that... happy after hurting someone who they were supposed to protect. 

Mothers have one big job in life, protect and nurture your child. If you can't do that, if that isn't a possibility for you, put them up for adoption. It's not right to bring a life into this world only to hurt and damage that precious life.

It just isn't right.

She pushed me way to hard as a child solely because I was a prodigy, teaching my second-grade class advanced algebra, reading math textbooks for fun. Then middle school came along, and my grades started to drop. That's when things started to get violent. I thought that things would get better once my grades raised but they didn't, things seemed to get worse the more time passed because she started to enjoy it.

She shouldn't look happy. What she did is horrible. 20 to 60 years horrible.

What will happen to me now? I know I'll have to go to court and testify or whatever but what about after that? Where will I go?

402 words

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