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Published on 10/08/2021

Previously on NCIS Family

"I think I'm going to go now," Gibbs says unexpectedly. Everybody just stares at him. Except Tony. I think he's already heard his father's voice.

(Pretend he is a little older tho)

After that, Ziva went.

And again.

"Jenny, do you want to go?" I ask.

"No, but I do want you to go again Jeanne"

"Ok I guess. But first, I want Tony to sing this thing that I wrote. It is Driver's License but from the boys point of view"

"My turn! It is another one I wrote. Again, it's Driver's License but this time, it's from the blonde girls point of view."

Tony's POV:

After Jeanne's beautiful rendition of Drivers License, we all headed to bed. Jeanne's mom said that she could stay over for the night so we headed upstairs after everyone else.

She went into my closet and grabbed one of my shirts.

She went into my closet and grabbed one of my shirts

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She is so cute in my shirts. I think she has shorts on but the shirt is so big on her that I can't tell.

She came and jumped on the bed.

"Babeee! I thought you were tired!" I exclaimed.

"Well, I took a nap!"

"Fine!" I stand up and start jumping with her.

"Tony, why is the bed..." Mom whispered but cut herself off when she saw that we were just jumping on the bed. Good thing Jeanne didn't notice. I smile at Mom while she closes the door. Jeanne playfully pushes me and I fall. Wow! How dare she?!? Jeanne is still jumping up and down. I ran out of breath two minutes ago! I know what to do! I stand back up and start tickling her stomach. She falls down and starts laughing hysterically.

"Oh! Who's outta breath now?!?" I say laughing along with her.

"Your mom!" she yelps as I tickle her harder.

"Hey!! That hurt!! I stop tickling her and I pout.

"I know what could cheer you up?"

"You saying sorry?"

"No. Why would I do that? Anyway, we could....... Drumroll please??!!?!?!?!" she says in a booming voice, like one at a stadium event? I give her the drumroll.

"We could give each other cute nicknames!!!!!"

"I love that idea almost as much as I love you! Let's do it!"

"Okay!! Ummmm...... This is gonna take some time...." Jeanne says.

(A.N. I can't remember if they already have nicknames sooooooo... AnYWaYs..... Back to the story!!!!!)

"How about McDreamy or McSteamy?" she says jokingly.

"There is no way in heck I could ever compare to THE Derek Shepard or THE Mark Sloane!!!"


(Also, that's pretty much as far as I've watched so please done spoil anything for me! And I know about Derek because my mom likes to spoil things soooooooo. I'll put a large number of spaces after the spoil stuffs.)

"I could be the Lexie to your Mark!" she says.

"You want to DIE?!?"


"We could be Merder then!!!!"

"Ok!" I say because I know she hasn't gotten as far as I have in the show.

"But for real though, we should come up with actual nicknames."

"Okayyyy ummmmm."

(Comment what nicknames they should choose!! My favorites will be chosen!)

Thank you for reading and I'm sorry it's been so long!

551 Words

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