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-Previously on NCIS Family-

When I get there he is sitting at his desk. He doesn't hear me because he is deaf, but I have to be careful of shadows because I have found that all of my blind/deaf suspects/victims use their other senses better, and they are even more in-tune with their surroundings. I get closer and he turns around with a gun in his hand...

(Play the NCIS Theme Song in your head now please! Thanks!)

I get closer and he turns around with a gun in his hand, I am luckily able to dodge out of the way quickly so he isn't able to see me or my shadow. My military instincts and training kick in as I knock the gun out of his hand. He turns and sees me. He lunges at me and starts trying to kill me. Wow! He is good for a civilian. I bet his wife taught him how to fight.

"Stop," I call out, "I only want to talk." He doesn't respond. Oh yeah. He's deaf. Wow. I must be getting old, but not too old because I am able to throw him to the ground and pin his arms behind him, cuffing them together.

I hold him against the wall with my foot and sign, "I need you to come with me, it's about your wife." He nods. I pull him up and bring him outside. I put him into the car, get into my seat, and drive back to the Navy Yard.

I did the 25 miles in 15 minutes. I wonder if everyone in the surrounding states has gotten used to me because there is no honking.

-Interrogation Time- (Sign Language will be in Italics)

 "Do you know why you are here?" I sign

"No. Is my wife ok?"

"No. She was found dead this morning in Norfolk." He gasps and starts crying with a distraught look on his face.

"Do you know anything about this?" He shakes his head.

"I didn't do it... I didn't do it..."

"I believe you." I sign. "Do you know who could have done it?"

"Our lawyer hates her. He wanted her to get a different policy than she did, but I don't think he would kill over it. There is also her ex-husband. He has been stalking her. She said no to getting back together with him, and she told me that he threatened to kill her if she didn't get back together with him. She left me to go with him so she wouldn't be killed. I guess it didn't work." He is crying harder now.

"Thank you for all of your help. Would you be able to identify him if we can find him?"


"Ok, thank you for your help. Our sympathies are with you. I will hopefully be back soon."

I leave the room and head to Observation.

"He didn't do it," Tony says.

"You think I don't already know that DiNozzo?" I slap the back of his head.

"Thanks, Abba," he says. Sometimes I call them by their middle names. It feels right, almost like that is their actual last name in an alternate universe. (A.N. Their middle names are their last names on the show.)

"Why else would I tell him that I believe him?" I slap the back of his head. Before I brought Mr. Snow in I asked Tony and Ziva to turn the table sideways so they could see what I was saying.

"Oh yeah! I forgot Boss! Sorry!" Tony likes to call me boss on the job.

"Don't Say Sorry."

"It's A Sign Of Weakness. Rule 6. Got it." He rushes off, probably a little embarrassed. I have been teaching them these rules since they could first talk.

Tony's POV

I rush off to go to interrogation. Abba forgot to ask what the ex's name is. (Sign is in italics)

"Hello, Mr. Snow."

"Is there something wrong?"

"No, we just need the name of  Mrs. Snow's ex-boyfriend."

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry I forgot to tell you. His name is Blaze Anderson."

"Thank you, Mr. Snow."  I leave the room and head to my desk to start looking him up. I get a call from an unknown number. I don't usually get calls from unknown numbers, so I set my personal phone up, start recording, and put the phone on speaker.

"Anthony Gibbs' desk. How may I help you."

"You will never find me."

"Who are you, sir?"

"I am B.A."

"May I ask why we will never find you?"

"Потому что я тупой прячусь." (Because I'm hiding stupid.) (Russian)

"Зачем?" (Why?) (Russian)

"Потому что я убил ее. Вы действительно такой тупой?" (Because I killed her. Are you really this stupid?) (Russian)

"Who did you kill?"

"Если вы не глупы, то разберетесь." (If you aren't stupid you will figure it out.) (Russian)

He hangs up, but not before I am able to track him. I rush to Interrogation, knowing that Abba and Ziva are still in observation. (Sign is in italics)

"I have a question, Mr. Snow. Does Blaze speak much English?"

"No, he doesn't."

"Do you know what language he speaks?"

"My wife speaks Russian, after the first voicemail, she told me that he only speaks Russian."

"Thank you."

I leave the room.

"I've got him Abba. He is 5 miles away from here," I say once I get into Observation.

"Text me the address." he says, "And Tony... Stay here."

"Dang It! Texting you the address now."

Thank you for reading!

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