Not A Part

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Published on 4/21/2022

Hi everyone! I promise I'm working on a new part, I've just been very busy and there are some things going on with my family but it will be out soon!

I just wanted to tell you about my bestie's and my shared account wereallinsanehere

There are five admins including myself. The other four are

We currently have two works out, one of them is random quotes from our group and teachers that we think are funny and the other are a bunch of short stories and one shots.

Basically, we all get on a doc we have and one person finds a random sentence off of the internet. That sentence becomes our story starter. Then, we take turns writing without figuring out many details.

obsessedwithsadpoems and I are working on another story right now. We aren't going to release it until it's finished but we already have the first chapter written. For those of you who are wondering, the prompt is Two people who thought they were the last people left on Earth end up meeting by chance.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy everything on that account!

Thank you all for being so patient with me. Life is hard.

211 words

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