
56 1 24

Published on 3/11/2021

-Previously on NCIS-

The gang of teenagers from earlier come up to us.

"So...your sister's a retard?"

After hearing that, I swung and hit him right in the face. Ziva tried pulling me off of him but she wasn't able to get me off of the main guy. His name is Zain I think.

"What's wrong with you bro?" He calls while I am punching his face over and over and over again. Ziva is finally able to pull me off him.

"Don't ever. And I mean EVER talk about my family like that."

He comes towards me and tackles me. He punches me maybe 20 times before I am able to push him off me and stand up. We both stand apart for a couple of seconds, then we both tackle each other again. We are rolling around on the ground when I see one of the other boys attack Ziva. She did the best out of all of us in the martial arts programs we did, so I'm not worried about her much.

I pull him up by the collar of his shirt and push him up against the side of a dumpster nearby. I spot a dumpster, across the open space where people ride their skateboards sometimes after school, that has an open lid. I carry him over my shoulder, fireman style, and throw him in the dumpster.

I run back over to Ziva and help her fight the rest of the 6 boys. After taking care of the last 3, we head to my car and drive to the hospital, without checking out of school.

-Theme Song-

Gibbs POV:

"What the heck happened to you guys," I yell in DiNozzo and David's direction. "Are you guys okay?"

"I don't know Dad," Tony calls back. "I think we need to be checked out. my arm hurts really bad." By now, they are both next to me.

"Were you guys kidnapped?"

"No, it was some stupid punk from school named Zain," Ziva replies.

"What's his last name?"

"Um...I think it's Hexley."

"Is his dad Special Agent Hexley?"

"I think so."

"Let's get you guys checked out."

"What about Ellie?" Ziva asks.

"She's already in surgery."

"And Nick?" Tony asks.

"At NCIS with Ima."


Turns out, Tony has a broken arm and a broken jaw, Ziva has a couple of broken ribs and a broken finger. They really took a beating.

"What happened?"

"Well..." Tony explains the whole situation to me.

"I will have to talk to his dad and the school. Speak of the devil." I show them my phone, the Caller ID being the schools. I put it on speaker so Tony and Ziva can hear too.

"Hello?" I say after picking up.

"Hello, this is Mary Tail, the secretary from Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Alexandria, Virginia. Are you Tony and Ziva Gibbs' father?" (A.N. I highly suggest looking up this high school for smart people. It's a really pretty school.)

"Yes, this is he."

"The principal would like to talk to you. Let me transfer you."

"Okay, thank you." After a few moments, we get a reply.

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