IED Meets Tim And Ranger

44 1 13

Published on 6/04/2021

Previously on NCIS Family...

Ellie/Sarah's POV:






I no longer have my glasses or hearing aids, but it's okay because most of my hearing has come back! My sight has come back almost all of the way because of the surgery! My right eye is still a little fuzzy though.

-Theme Song-

Tony/Yousseff's POV:

The flight is taking forever. I think the nerves are taking over. Instead of sleeping in the seats, we are all laying on the floor, covered in blankets. There is no heating in here because it's just a plane to carry things, not necessarily for people.

Ellie and Nick, I mean Sarah and Joshua, are trembling. I don't think they are doing that well. Dad isn't even on this flight. It's just me, Josh, Sarah, and Tali. Mom, Dad, and Abby are at home. Mom is probably worrying herself to death on her bed and Dad is most likely staring at the big screen in MTAC, staring at random satellite images of the ocean. If Dad wasn't doing that, then he'd be working on his boat, probably ignoring Mom.

Tali's POV:

We are landing now. All of us only know one of the two official languages of Afghanistan (Pashto) so we had to learn a new language, Dari. We can all officially say that we know more languages than Abba and Ima.

Josh's POV:

We are in Kandahar now to meet up with Tim's friend, Chief Hospital Corpsman Zac Carson, and say hi before going undercover at his base.

Zac is a doctor. He lives in the house next to us back in DC.

We are at the base now and we are immediately greeted by  Zac and Tim's K-9 dog, Ranger.

Ranger is a Shepski. He is 1 year old and literally THE Cutest Dog Ever. I'm not joking. He won The Cutest Military K-9 From DC award when he was 6 months old.

 He won The Cutest Military K-9 From DC award when he was 6 months old

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(A.N. Ranger is a character from another book I'm writing that I may or may not publish some day!)

Ranger lives with us if he's not on duty with Tim. It's pretty great if I'm going to be honest.

"Hi guys!! I didn't think I would see you for a while!"

"Zac!!!!!" I shout.

"Hey Nick!!"

"Shhhh. It's Josh now," I remark.

"Oh sorry!! Hey Josh!"

"Hi Zac," I run up and hug him while replying.

"How many people have been kidnapped so far?"

"7 of the 10 in our troop have been kidnapped. 4 have been found, 3 are dead, and the other 3 of us haven't been kidnapped."

(A.N. I chose random numbers for those and hoped they would add to 10 and they did! *laughs uneasily*)?

Tony/Yousseff's POV:

"Where is Tim?"

"He is in the infirmary. He has PTSD, multiple cuts and burns, and a broken arm. Besides that, he should be okay."

"Can we see him?" Ellie asks.

"Yeah, but be careful not to wake him. We had to sedate him to get him to sleep. He kept asking about Ranger."

"Why?" Ziva asks with a concerned tone in her voice.

"Because Ranger was in the same Humvee as Tim when an IED exploded 45 feet away from them when they were leaving Kandahar." We all notice the bandage on Ranger's stomach and chest area. Ellie and Nick sit on the ground and start playing with Ranger.

"Are you okay Ranger?" Ellie asks Ranger.

He barks in response.

"Why were they leaving Kandahar?" Ellie asks Carson.

"That's classified."

"We all have a higher clearance than you do Carson," Nick says sarcastically.

"Oh yeah. They were going to kill a couple of Taliban and rescue a five year old girl. Which they did successfully by the way. That group of terrorists are the ones that have been kidnapping our squad. Tim and Evans were kidnapped but they saved the little girl and killed all of the terrorists in that area and escaped. When they got back to base a bunch of their skin was burned off because of the bomb and they half conscious. They both took turns to carry the girl."

"Is the little girl okay?" Ziva asked.

"Yeah, she's fine. She is with her mother now back in Kandahar." 

We all start walking towards the infirmary tent and towards an injured Timmy.

When we get to the tent Tim is awake.

"Timmy! You're awake!" Ellie exclaims.

"Hey guys!" he croaks.

"We are going to be transporting him to Bethesda tomorrow. You will be going back with him. By the way, do you all know how to shoot big guns?" Carson asks.

"Yes," we all say a little disappointed.

"You know this already Zac," Nick says.

"Well, I was just saying. You are only eight."

"Only eight? We will be nine tomorrow and we have a higher security clearence than you do," Nick says and playfully punches him.

"Owwwwwwww. Nick!"

It is dark already. Zac leads us to a tent so we can sleep.

Ziva's POV:

I stretch. Morning in Afghanistan is really peaceful. At least until you hear the bombs in the distance.

"Wake up guys. The plane is here and ready to go. Here is are MREs. One for each of you. You can make them right now so you can eat on the plane. Hurry! Tim is already on the plane."

"Thanks Zac!"

"Happy birthday Ellie and Nick!"

"Thanks Zac!"

"Guys come on!" Zac yells out of the tent.

Every soldier in the camp, even the hurt ones in wheelchairs that are healed enough to move, come into the tent and start singing happy birthday to Nick and Ellie.

After all of that, we get on the plane with our breakfast and start in the direction of home.

Hey guys! It has been exactly 60 days since I last updated. I'm sorry for that! Anyways, I'm back!!!

1010 words

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