Through The Lows And The Highs I Will Stay By Your Side

34 1 15

Published on 9/2/2021

(A.N. This chapter has two songs and a bunch of pictures. Both of the songs are the same but they are different so pls listen to both of them!)

Previously on NCIS Family

Anyway, we decide to walk home today. It's two miles but that's okay, it only took us 25 minutes.

When we got home, Jeanne went to her house to get something and she told me that she would meet me in my room to do homework.

I run up the stairs and check to make sure the $300 is still there. It is.

I hurry and sprawl my chemistry essay and papers out on my desk and hurry and sit in my chair, pretending I wasn't just counting $300 that came out of one of my socks.

Theme Song

Tony's POV:

I finish my essay and have Jeanne read it. It's basically a end of the year, "What Have I Learned?" essay. Basically I just wrote about all of the fun labs and stuff we did. No need to add something boring I guess.

"So?" I ask, "What did you grab from your house?"

She pulls something out that was hidden behind the door.

"Huh?" I say. It's a gift bag.

It's full of stuff

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It's full of stuff.

"Just open it already!!!" she says impatiently.

"Alright, Alright! Jeez!"

"OPEN ITTTTT!!!!!!!!!" she yells while laughing.

"OKKKKK!!!! First item," I pull the first item out, "Awwww baby!!!!"

It is my favorite hoodie of hers!

It is my favorite hoodie of hers!

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I kiss her.

"Thank you, thank you, THANK YOUUUUUU!!!!!"

"You're welcome. Keep going!!!!!"

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