The Story Of Jeanne

28 2 11

Published on 11/29/2021

TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of abuse

Previously on NCIS Family...

"But for real though, we should come up with actual nicknames."

"Okayyyy ummmmm."

Theme song now pleeeaaase.......

Tony's POV:

"How about Jay and Tee?" I think out loud! 

"I really like that! It's better than what we have now, which is nothing."


"Anyway, we should go to sleep. Cuddles?"

"Always!" She gets up from where she's sitting and walks over and lays next to me in bed. She becomes my little spoon as we lay there, falling asleep.

The Next Day...

Jeanne's POV:


I wake up with the sun in my face, birds sitting (and chirping) on the tree right outside the window, and warm arms wrapped around me. It's too nice! I don't deserve this. I shouldn't be here. A month ago, I would've woken up in a dark room with the blinds closed, I would've stayed in my room out of fear, not coming out until Ziva texted me asking to hang out. Even then, I would sneak out of the house through the window. See, after my dad was killed and Tony was tried for his murder last year, my mom got really abusive, saying that it was my fault he was killed and that my boyfriend (Tony wasn't my boyfriend at the time obviously so I don't know why she thought we were dating) should be killed.

Soon after the verbal abuse started came the physical aspect. My mother would always get drunk and high. Who knows where she would get the drugs from. Anyway, she would beat me with beer bottles until they shattered, then she would use her open hand, not wanting to leave a bruise. I really shouldn't be here because if Tee finds out or any member of his family, even little Abby, finds out, my world would come crashing down. I still love Tony though, I never want to hurt him.


I stop thinking about those things and just lay there, soaking up the sun. Coffee?

"Baby!! There's coffee! Your dad's awake! Let's goooo! Wake up!" I squeal, turning around and shaking him.

"Okay, okay. I'm up!" he says looking at me. He stares deep into my eyes and continues.

" Are you okay? You are crying," he asks in a sincere tone.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm okay."

"Are you sure? Talk to me." He sounds worried, should I tell him?

"I was just thinking about my dad, he always loved birds in the morning. I don't want to go home, I want to stay with you and Ziva."

"Is there a specific reason you don't want to go home?" he questions gently.

"No, I just don't want to leave you!"

"Ok, well if you need anything or just need to talk, let me know, I'll always be here for you!"

"Ok! Can we go get breakfast now?"


Tony's POV:

I hope Jeanne is okay, she said she was but she didn't seem like it.

Thanks for sticking around while I write this! I don't see an ending in the near future mostly bc I don't know how to end and I don't know if I want it to end.

Sorry for the trigger warning, I just thought it would be a good way to make the story a bit more interesting.

I don't have abusive parents (or have much experience with physical abuse) so if I get something wrong, please let me know so I can fix it. If you do have something for me to fix but don't feel comfortable telling me in the comments, please message me in private messages. I won't ask any personal details but just know that I care for you and I am here to talk.

You are loved!

611 words

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