Shawangunk Correctional

86 2 1

Published on 3/5/21

Previously on NCIS Family

"Good news Ellie! We can take off the bandages now, and you should be able to see!" he says excitedly.


"Keep your eyes closed while I take off the bandages. Okay?"

"Okay!" He takes off the bandages and I keep my eyes closed.

"You can open them now."

I open my eyes...

"I can see!!!!"

"Good!" Ziva says.


"What's wrong Ellie?" the doctor asks.

"I can only see out of my right eye."

"That is to be expected because some eyes don't heal as fast as others."

"Oh okay!"

NCIS Theme

Ellie's POV:

"How long until I should be worried if I don't get full vision back?"

"Well, it should only take an hour, so if you don't have full vision by sundown we will have to run some tests."

"Ok, can I go see my brother?"

"Yeah. Go sit in that wheelchair," he points to a wheelchair in the corner.

"I'll be fine on my feet."

"Ok," the doctor says.

Turns out... I'm not fine on my feet. I immediately fall over, my legs not even working.

"My whole body hates me."

"Not true Ellie," Ziva says.

"Fine, I'll ride in the wheelchair. But only if I can push myself."

"Are you sure you're strong enough?" the doctor questions.

"I bet I can do more pull-ups than you, mister."

"How many?"

"35 on average but that isn't my most."

"Wow, that's more than a marine can do on average. How old did you say you are again?"

"I never said how old I am, but I'm 8. How many can you do?"

"1," he says embarrassed.

We get going and it turns out I can wheel faster than I or they can walk. I am going so much faster than them that they are jogging to keep up. I wonder how fast my family can go, Ziva's pull-up average is 32, Tony's is 34, Nick's is 35, Abby's is 1 since she is only 2, Tim's is 39, Abba's is 40, and Ima's is 10. These are just averages, not their most.

We get to Nick's room and he is just laying there talking to Tony.

"Hey B! Are you okay? I was really worried. Why are you in a wheelchair? Can you see? Can you walk?" He spits these questions out super fast.

"I'm fine. I am in a wheelchair because I can't walk. I can only see in one eye. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Do you like the cuts on our arms?"

"Yeah, they are sooooo cool!!!"

I wheel over to him and he hugs me.

"Давай, Элли, тебе пора вернуться в свою комнату," Ziva says. (Come on Ellie, it is time for you to go back to your room.) (Russian)

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