
123 3 8

Published on 2/27/2021

Previously on NCIS Family

"Get her an ambulance. She was hit on the eyes and head. She can't see anything." Ziva notices the blood and dirt all over me.

"How many times were you shot, Nick?"

"5. He even shot me when I was unconscious. What time is it?"

"9," Tony says.

"That means he just arrived back where he was keeping us."

"Where is that?" Tim asks.

"10 miles away. That building where there was the murder and you found your service number."

"Jenny, Tony, and Ziva. With me. Tim, go with them to the hospital."

"Tim, when the ambulances get here, go with Ellie, she is blind and she needs you more than I do." I pass out cold onto the floor.

Theme song now

Tim's POV:


"I'm here Ellie."

"I still can't see you."

"You wouldn't be able to see me anyway. Your eyes have medical patches over them. Silly." That made her giggle. I love her giggle, it has been 2 years since I heard it for real. MTAC calls aren't the same.

Her eye patches look like this with no design. They are blue.

"Why are my eyes covered?"

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"Why are my eyes covered?"

"To prevent you from moving your eyes so you don't cause more damage."

"Oh, okay. Is Nicky okay? How many times was he shot?"

"Before I answer that, how many shots did you hear?"

"I don't know, he used a silencer. I know he was shot at least twice because when we were trying to escape."

"How do you know that?"

"He screamed twice. Have you ever heard of twin telepathy?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"It was sort of like that. I could feel where he was shot. My Palm, Shoulders, Foot, and leg tingled. I'm not sure if that is where he hit me or something though."

"Weird. Nick was shot in his palm, shoulders, foot, and thigh."

"Which hand?"


"Which foot?"


"Which leg?"

"Both. The bullet went through the left and lodged in his right thigh."

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