Is everything okay?

34 1 9

Published on 10/10/2022

Previously on NCIS Family

"Mrs. Benoit, please slowly stand up and put your hands on top of your head," I say to Jeanne's mother as I find her sitting in a chair in her room. She does as I say.

"So, the brat finally got her fed boyfriend to step in. What did the child tell you?" she asks, glancing over at a pocket knife on her left.


As I yell, she reaches for it and I'm on top of her in a second. I grab her arms and push them behind her back.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?"

I know, I know, it's been so long...


Jeanne's POV:

Ring. Ring. Ring.

'Ugh... What is that awful noise?'

I pat around me, trying to find my noise, hoping it's just my reminder to take my meds or something. I can't find it so I am forced to open my eyes.

I first turn to my left, oh, couch. Nevermind. So, I turn to my right, towards the table, there it is.

I lift it up towards my face but a paper is stuck to it.

It says, 

Hey Jeanne!

We have to go somewhere but the little twins and Abby will be here! Can you watch them for us?



Huh, they never go anywhere without the twins, especially since the kidnapping. They must really trust me. 

Ring. Ring.

Oh yeah, my phone. 

It's a call from Tony.

"Hey!" I say picking up the phone. "Did you go to the store or something?"

"Not, exactly," he replies, sounding sort of nervous.

"Babe? Is everything okay?"

"Are you awake enough to drive?"

"Yeah, is everything okay"

"Can you bring the twins and Abs to the office?"

"Tony, listen to me. Is everything okay?" I say while sitting up. He's been avoiding my question; it is very much possible something is horribly wrong.

"Yeah, sorry? Can you bring the kids down here?"

"Of course. Explain to me when we get there?"


"Ok, I'm going to go round them up. I love you."

"Love you too, bye babe.

"Bye babe, everything will be okay."

"I know."

That's it for this chapter, I just wanted to get something out quick. I have covid and haven't been at school for a while and probably won't be for a few days so who knows? I might squeeze a few more chapters out before I go back?

Love y'all!

438 words

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