Uh Oh... Pt. 2 (Slight TW)

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Published on 2/24/2021

Previously on NCIS Family

Ellie's POV

Ima is making us go home now, without Tim.

"Why do we have to go Ima?" Nick asks from the back seat. I beat him to the front seat.

"Because Abba is in Interrogation now. Ziva will drive you home."

"Fine," we both say at the same time.

"What около Abby? " I ask. (about) (Russian)

"She will stay with me."


-30 minutes later-

Ziva still hasn't shown up. Oh, there she is. When did she change her clothes? Now, she is in all black. She gets in the car without saying anything. She starts driving out of the Navy Yard. Her face is covered, so I can't see it.

-15 minutes later-

We are finally at our house.

"Ziva, you passed our house."

"لن نذهب إلى منزلك," Ziva says in a heavy Arabic accent, almost like that is all she speaks. (We aren't going to your house.) (Arabic)

"Who are...Who are you?" Nick asks almost too quiet to hear.

"تكلم"(Speak up) (Arabic)

"Who are you?" Nick practically shouts.

"أهدأ وباللغة العربية. لا اعرف الانجليزية." (Quieter, and in Arabic. I don't know English.) (Arabic)

"من أنت، إنت مين؟" (Who are you?) (Arabic)

"انا ابراهيم" (I am Abraham.) (Arabic)

"إلى أين تأخذنا؟" (Where are you taking us?) (Arabic)

"Does not ma...ma...matter," he says in very broken English.

(NCIS Theme Song now, please. Thanks!)

Nick's POV:

"So you don't know any English?" I ask.

"ماذا قلت أيها الطفل الغبي؟" (What did you say, stupid child?) (Arabic)

"هل تتكلم الإنجليزية على الإطلاق؟" (Do you speak any English at all?) (Arabic)

".لا" (No.) (Arabic)

"لماذا تخطفوننا؟" (Why are you kidnapping us?) (Arabic)

"للعودة إلى العميل الخاص ليروي جيثرو جيبس." (To get back at Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs.) (Arabic)

"Abba?" we both say at the same time.

"نعم والدك." (Yes, your father.) (Arabic)

"ماذا فعل لك؟" (What did he ever do to you?) (Arabic)

"هو اذانى." (He hurt me.) (Arabic)

"كيف؟" (How?) (Arabic)

"إنه مصنف. الى جانب ذلك ، أنتم مجرد أطفال. عمرك 3،102 يومًا فقط. ألست كذلك؟" (It is classified. Besides, you are just children. You are only 3,102 days old. Are you not?) (Arabic)

"إذا كنت تعرف الكثير عنا ، فستعرف أننا أطفال معجزة ونعمل عن كثب مع حكومتنا ، ونساعدهم. هذا يعني أن لدينا تصريح سري للغاية. بما أنك تقوم باختطافنا ، فهذا يعطينا أيضًا الحاجة إلى المعرفة," I say, matter of factly. (If you know so much about us, then you would know that we are prodigy children and work closely with our government, helping them. That means we have top-secret clearance. Since you are kidnapping us, that also gives us the need to know.) (Arabic)

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