I'm coming home... Tell the world I'm coming home...

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Gibbs' POV

"Wake up kids," I call, "It's almost time for school!" Ziva and Tony come down first, then Nick and Ellie.

"Come on guys. I made pancakes for breakfast!" Jenny says.

"PANCAAAAAAAKES!!!!!" Nick and Ellie both shout at the same time. Everybody hurries and sits at the table. I run upstairs because I hear baby Abby crying through the baby monitor.

"Good morning Abbs! How did you sleep last night?" She babbles something incoherent in reply. I get her diaper and clothes changed, and then we headed downstairs.

"Доброе утро, малышка Эбби" I hear Ziva say. (Goodmorning Baby Abby) (Russian)

There is something with my family and languages. We all speak English, Hebrew, Spanish, Arabic, Turkish, French, Pashto, German, Italian, and Russian. Ellie and Nick aren't quite fluent in English yet. Abby doesn't speak any of course.

Ziva's POV

"Доброе утро, малышка Эбби." I don't realize that I switch languages, which earns me puzzled glances from people who don't understand what I am saying. Tony and I are in all of the same classes because we are twins, so if we ever need to say something private we can just speak in a language nobody else knows. Most students can only speak English, but there are a few that can also speak Spanish. The only other person that can speak more than those languages is our language teacher Mr. Cooper. He speaks English, Spanish, German, and French.

"THE BUS IS HERE FOR TIVAAAAAA!" Ima shouts from downstairs. I am in my room grabbing anything else I might need for the day. Tiva is what our parents call Tony and me when we are being called together. (Ima is Mom in Hebrew)

"مننه ، عکس !!! زه به په یوه دقیقه کې ښکته شم !!!"

(Thank you, Ima. I will be down in a minute!!!) (Pashto)

Nick's POV

"Ellick, you guys' bus is here!" Abba says, peeking into Ellie and my room. Ellick is Nick mixed with Ellie. Ell+ick = Ellick. That is what Ima and Abba call us when they want both of us.

"בסדר אבא, אנחנו באים."

(Ok dad, we are coming.) (Hebrew)

Ellie and I get on the bus. She is my best friend. I'm glad she is my twin because I don't know what I would do without her. Probably have panic attacks ALL the time. Good thing we are in the same 2nd-grade class. Ima and Abba say that I have ADHD, but it's ok 'cause I have Ziva, Tony, Tim, Abby, and Ellie.

-Later that Day-

Tim's POV

I haven't seen any of the kids since Christmas, about 4 months ago, and that was just a face-time call. First, I surprise Abba at NCIS. He is so excited to see me.

"אבא? הַפתָעָה! חזרתי מאפגניסטן."

(Abba? Surprise! I'm back from Afghanistan.) (Hebrew)

He ran to me and grabbed me so tight that I couldn't breathe. "Abba, I can't breath." He can't even put thoughts into a language.

"טים! Вы сказали, что ваш тур не будет essere finito para بل کال ایا ته یې d'accord?"

(Tim! You said your tour won't be over for another year. Are you okay?) (Hebrew, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Pashto, French)

"Abba, you're switching languages, and yes, I am ok. Im only here for 3 weeks though.I broke my foot, they need me back once the cast is off." Dad looks down at my foot, just now realizing that I am using crutches. He pulls me into a hug.

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