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(Note: Updated from phone)

"O'Brien, Dylan" I typed.
A few Dylan's were on the list but none was our Dylan.

"So no properties on his name, what's his dad's name?" Cass asked.

"No idea" I said wondering.

"Well it's gotta be some O'Brien right?" she sarcastically said.

"Well duh" I chuckled.

"I know, his friends!" Cass suggested.

"I know someone who might tell me..." I said searching on the phone.

I stopped at Nina's number and I texted her.

"Nina, I need Dylan's dad name asap" was written on the message.

"William, why?" she texted back.

"Oh nothing" I answered glancing at Cass.

"So?" she asked curious.

"William" I said she gasped.

"William... William O'Brien?" she asked folding her arms.

"Obviously, William thats-"

"Holy shit!" Cass yelled.

"Holy shit?" I asked confused.

"Aria, I know why I thought O'Brien was rich" Cass said I laughed.

"When did you think he was rich?" I asked confused.

"Ah, I know I said I didn't know he was our classmate back in middle school but I remember him as much as I remember thinking he was extremely rich, because he had O'Brien on his name and back then I thought every O'Brien was rich, then I noticed it wasn't like that so I stopped thinking he was rich-"

"But-" I tried to interrupt.

"William O'Brien is- I mean was, the most famous business man out there a few years ago, he supposedly died in a horrible car accident, or that was atleast what the press told everyone" she said with her eyes wide open.

"Your point is?..." I asked intrigued.

"William O'Brien, was so important Aria, Dylan's probably the richiest kid in town!" she yelled.

"Calm down, what does that have- oj wait"

"Exactly, our search became much more difficult, do you have any idea how many properties that man might have?" She said.

"I know... but I dont think much would be apartments thirty minutes away from school" I laughed.

"True that, well good thing is that he was known so his things are easy to track" she smiled.

"Thanks Cass" I poked her back.

"You're welcome"

After a few minutes doing research I got another message from Nina.

"Seriously Aria, why did you ask me his name? What are you planning" she texted.

"You never told me Dylans dad was THE William O'Brien" I answered.

"I never had the need to tell you, I didnt know you actually knew him, he wasnt particularly popular among teens or guys our age, he was a business man popular among business people and probably to people who watched the news, meaning our dads lol" she texted I chuckled.

"Who you texting?" Cass asked still searching on her laptop.

"No one" I said looking away.

"Okay" she said a bit upset.

"Got it, but still... I need answers" I texted.

She took a while on answering.

"Just because he wants you to understand why you need to stay away." she texted.

I let out a sigh.

"You okay?" Cass asked glancing at me.

"Yeah" I nodded. "What else did you find?" I asked leaning closer.

Wounded (Dylan O'Brien / Completed) #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now