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A week passed.

"Whyyyyyy" I yelled noticing it was 7:30 in the morning.


"God I know mom!" I yelled getting up.

As soon as I finished dressing up and fixing my hair I ran outside home, the bus was already gone. I tried running to the next stop but it was useless.

Suddenly someone stopped beside me in a car when I was trying to gain breath and start running towards school again.

"Aria, get on" David said.

"Jesus... I... give me a sec" I said breathless.

After a couple of minutes I got inside his car, while he drove to school he joked about me being a bit clumsy for always missing the bus and being late for class.

"Look who's talking, you shouldn't even be late with this car!" I joked back, he laughed.

As soon as we got to school we quickly ran to our classroom. I noticed O'Brien talking on the phone right outside our class, he glanced at me.

"Alright, I'll be there" he said hunging up.

I looked at him and he gave me 'the look' frowning, David looked at him too but ignored him. We waited to enter the class, I kept on looking at O'Brien, I had all this anger towards him for being a bully.

We entered the class and sat with Eric. Later on we had gymnastics, we girls had to ran around the field while the boys played football. We finished running and me and Cass sat on the bench, we had a couple of minutes to rest so we sat on a bench to look at the boys play.

"David really is cute isn't he?" Cass said glancing at him.

I frowned.

"Hm..." I said, wondering.

"I should probably ask him out? What do you think? I mean he's attractive, I'm attractive, he's single, I'm single" she said with a smile.

"What? Since when?" I asked confused.

"Ah... you never listen to what I say anyway so why bother telling you" she said with a sigh.

"Cass, I know most of the time I don't listen to you but it's because they're mostly irrelevant things, things that don't concern me, things I do not care about, but things about your life, your things, that's definetely something I want to hear" I yelled upset.

"Alright..." she said looking at me "Garret and I are taking a break to think, we've been fightning a lot lately, you know I love him but maybe missing something makes it better" she said looking away at the field again.

"I'm sorry" I said with pity.

"Nah but I'd never do that to Garret, David is cute yeah but I wouldn't ask him out, besides, he's more into you anyway" she said laughing.

"What?" I asked blushing.

"Oh... yeah" she let out a giggle "He told me he wanted to ask you out but he was kind of scared because he thinks you're into that creep" she said rolling her eyes.

"That creep?" I asked confused.

"You know, that O'Brien kid" she answered.

"Oh... Oh— What?! Hell no! Why would I That's just ridiculous!" I yelled.

"I know right? He thinks that because you always look at him and you never stop talking about how much he annoys you, so he thought you were only playing dumb, you know, because of his reputation and all" she said with a sigh.

"Nah, I would never date someone like him, I hate unsensitive people" I said.

"Then should I tell David to ask you out?" she smiled at me.

"I... don't know" I said nervous.

"He's cute Aria, you're single, why not?" she teased.

"Whatever, I'm fine with whatever" I finally said, glancing at David.

"Are you su—"

"Hey girls!" David suddenly said, startling them.

"David, don't scare us like that!" Cass said jumping. David was sweaty wearing a tank top and shorts.

"I'm sorry, hey me and Eric are grabbing some pizza after school, wanna come?" he looked at me.

"Uh..." I said, words weren't coming out and my hands were sweaty.

"Absolutely!" she winked at me "We would love to come" she smiled.

"Great, then see you after school" he said walking back to the field.

Wounded (Dylan O'Brien / Completed) #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now