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After lunch time I walked down to the gym, I wasn't planning on talking to the girl or anything, I just wanted to make things clear, you know to let them know I'm not friends with Dylan.

Suddenly I saw smoke coming out behind a wall.

Probably Dylan and his friends I thought, noticing it was only him and a friend, who was the one smoking. He glanced at me and I looked away, for some reason I felt uncomfortable when he looks at me when he's with friends.

"Look, your bestfriend" the girl with him said, mocking me.

"We're not friends Stacy" Dylan said serious.

"Sure, that's not what everyone's saying—" she said right before Dylan looked at her piercing his eyes on hers.

"Fine, I'll shut up and I'll believe you" the girl said regretting what she just said.

I let out a sigh and kept on walking towards the gym, someone scared me from behind.

"Holy sh—"

"I'm so sorry, I need to stop that" David said laughing.

"You better" I said breathing fast.

"Hey there's something I've been wanting to ask you" he said as I looked at him confused.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Can we sit?" he said noticing there was a bech near.

"Okay" I nodded.

"So this rumor about you... being friends with Dylan O' Brien, Cass told me that's the problematic kid huh?" David said with concern.

"Cass told you that?" I asked upset.

"Yeah I mean... I asked" David said embarrassed.

"So what about it? Rumors are rumors David" I said glancing at where Dylan was but he wasn't there anymore.

"I know it's just— What's really your relation with Dylan?" he finally asked, a bit nervous.

"My relation?— There's not— No relation between us!" I yelled blushing.

WAIT why am I blushing? I quickly tried to hide my blush and looked at David again.

"It's just a question Aria, rumors start from something and you're always staring at him, I thought... maybe you two had something" he said looking down.

"What's the point of your question, David?" I asked trying to change subjects.

"I wanted to tell you... uh... I really enjoy spending time with you Aria—"

"Are you trying to ask me out?" I asked with a giggle.

"Trying, yes" he laughed.

"Uh well I'm not the type of girl that dates" I nervously said.

"You mean you don't want to go out?" David reluctantly said.

"I mean, of course I want to go out, no one has ever asked me on a date before" I smiled.

"So it's a date" he smiled back.

"Um I mean— If that's what you were saying— Were you asking me on a date?" I nervously said blushing.

"Yes, yes I was asking you out on a date, what do you say, dinner then a walk by the park?" he said.

"D-dinner?" I said stuttering.

"Yeah, I know a place you'd love to go" he smiled.

"Alright, sure" I said still feeling my face burn.

He quickly smiled and left, with a huge smile on his face, what's weird and got me thinking was why he asked me about Dylan first, wasn't it easier to just ask me on a date and done? Did he really think me and Dylan— No there's no me and Dylan we've only known each other for like a day or two and he's annoying. He's got an attitude and he's a bully.

I remembered I was on my way to the gym while I was drowned in my thoughts, I got up from the bench and kept on walking towards the gym.

As soon as I got there there was a girl, strangely wearing a hoodie and sweatpants.

Is this really a popular girl? I thought getting closer, she quickly noticed me and took me to one side of the gym from the arm.

"Alia" she said.

"It's Aria" I said confused.

"Alia, Aria who cares, hey listen—" she said when I let out a loud sigh.

"You don't even know my name and you want me to help you?" I sarcastically said, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Excuse me? Do you have any idea who I am?" the girl said yelling.

"Clearly through those sunglasses and sweatpants I can't imagine you being someone important" I said laughing.

"So you're a joker, fine." she said taking off the sunglases.

"Now that's more like it" I said looking at her.

"I don't want anyone to know this alright?" she said looking around.

"For the record I still don't know who you are" I sarcastically said.

"Jesus, it's obvious you barely come to school then" she said upset.

"Anyway, you wanted me to hook you up with Dylan?" I said looking away.

"Yes, he's so fine and I love his bad boy look—"

"Yada, yada, yada I don't care why you want that, but let me let things clear, first he's not what everybody thinks he is, second I'm not friends with him and last but not least, he's got a girlfriend" I said as the girl looked at me confused.

"I'm sorry I thought you said you two weren't friends?"

"We're not" I said shaking my head.

"Then why would you know he has a girlfriend?" she asked even more confused.

"Not friends doesn't mean we don't talk, I've seen a couple of things, I know he has a girlfriend" I said.

"Oh, dammit" she said looking down.

"With so many popular gorgeous boys, why notice Dylan anyway?" I sarcastically said.

"Because he looks like he could be good in bed" she said laughing.

Bed what? What is she talking about I thought getting a bit nervous.

"Enough talking, good luck next time I got to go" I said quickly leaving.

I walked fast through the halls towards the classroom when I stumbled on Dylan.

"I'm starting to think you're a stalker" I joked, he didn't move a muscle from his face.

"A stalker huh? I would do worse if I was that" he said serious.

"Anyway could you stop touching my hips?" I said noticing he had his hand on my hips.

He quickly took his hand off.

"Sorry, hey you didn't tell anyone my friend was smoking earlier did you?" he asked staring into my sould.

"N-no I didn't, why would I—"

"You're the hero, remember?" he joked, with a sarcastic smile.


"You're supposed to do good and save everyone" he said this time walking past me.

"Are you trying to tell me something?" I said turning around.

"No one can do good without risking something" he said getting lost on the hall.

No one can do good without risking something? What's that supposed to mean? I said to myself, wondering.

Wounded (Dylan O'Brien / Completed) #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now