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"So it's official?" Cass asked me while we were having lunch by the yard at school.

"We only went on one date Cass, of course it's not official" I said grabbing a bite from my food.

"Well at least he's a good kid, by the way why is the punk looking straight at you?" Cass said.

I turned around noticing Dylan was looking at me from afar, he was having lunch with two more friends, he was sitting over his legs, he had his fork on his mouth, with his arms over his chest straight looking at me.

"No idea, he's weird" I said ignoring him eating again from my food.

"No, but seriously, aren't you scared he might be thinking something?" Cass said moving her hands.

"Something like what?" I asked not interested.

"Like I don't know, murdering you or something, what if he locks you up and rapes you, oh my God!" Cass yelled.

"Shut up, he's not— what type of person do you think he is?" I asked looking back at him, he was still staring.

"I don't know, someone bad?" Cass said thinking.

"Don't you think if he was that kind of person he wouldn't even be here at school? He would probably be in jail" I laughed.

"True but still, he looks dangerous Aria" Cass insisted.

"I know, the fact he's looking doesn't mean anything" I said with a sigh.

"Alright" Cass nodded, eating from her food.

After lunch we had gym class so we both went to the gym, there was a cage with some irons they used for jumping and as obstacles, suddenly a kid from our class tried to open it by himself but the lock went off and he couldn't hold the irons alone.

Cass looked at me, I was right under the cage.

"Aria!" she yelled as I closed my eyes and covered myself.

In a second after I didn't feel the irons fall on my head I opened my eyes, the sound of the irons falling was gone already and all the irons were spread over the floor.

"oh my God" I said noticing Dylan shielded me taking all the damage from the irons.

"I'm fine" he reluctantly said with pain in his eyes.

"No you're not" I said concerned as we both got up.

"What in the world?" Cass asked looking at me and Dylan.

"Oh God he helped her?" Eric said jumping out of nowhere.

"Eric!" Cass said looking at him.

"The punk helped Aria, that's new" Eric said as everyone else looked at us.

"I said I'm fine" Dylan insisted trying to walk away the gym.

"Dylan!" I yelled running behind him. Both leaving the gym.

"Maybe... Aria is right" Cass said thinking.

"About what?" Eric asked confused.

"About Dylan, he could have just sat there and watch Aria get hurt" Cass said.

I finally caught up with Dylan who was hobbling.

"I said—"

"Oh shut up already, a lot of irons just fell on your back and you're going to tell me you don't have any bruises?" I said pulling his shirt up, without thinking what I was doing.

"Hey would you mind?" he said quickly pulling his shirt down, blushing.

"S-sorry" I said noticing what I just did, blushing aswell.

Wounded (Dylan O'Brien / Completed) #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now