The crazy one

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{Note: I got wifi for a bit, so I decided to update something I wrote on word while on the plane, enjoy :)!}

I asked Cass to come sleep over, since it was friday night we could probably watch a movie or something. As soon as she got home, she went upstairs to my room, my mom opened the door to her and I was still lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling.

"Hey Aria" she said sitting next to me on the bed.

"Hey" I reluctantly said.

"Still thinking about what happened earlier?" she asked letting out a sigh.

"Yeah... do you still think they were fighting because of me?" I asked.

We spoke earlier on the bus about the fight, Cass told me she thought they were definitely fighting over me, David probably went to fight Dylan because he knows I like him.

"Not anymore, you know I kept on thinking about it" she said shaking her head to one side and another.

"What?" I asked confused.

"David could have fought Dylan days ago, when you 'dumped' him, but he didn't he decided today to be the day even after its been a week since you two went just friends"

"But Dylan kissed me, what if he told him that?"

"I don't know Dylan but he doesn't look like the kind of person to kiss and tell" she said.

"Probably" I said wondering.

"Also why would he tell David anyway? Didn't he think David was your boyfriend in the first place? I don't think he would go through that trouble just because" Cass said.

I got up from the bed and sat beside Cass too, both looking at the window.

"He knows we're through" I said.

"David and you?" Cass asked.

"I mean I think he knows"

"Why don't you ask him straight away?"

"Who, Dylan?"

"Or David, I'm sure he'll tell you" she smiled.

"I..." I said taking my phone.

I texted.

{Hey David, sorry for earlier, you know I was just trying to help. Giving Dylan's history I thought he was beating you just because...}

"Done" I said after pressing 'send'.

We patiently waited for an answer that took minutes to come. When it finally did we jumped of excitement, we only wanted to know the reason behind it.

{We were not fighting over you Aria, I was asking him to fight me because I wanted to prove something to myself} David ·· 19:45pm

"Holy shit" Cass said covering her mouth with her hands.

"To prove something to myself?" I asked wondering.

"My guess would be, he knows Dylan is better than him and he just wanted to prove himself he can be as tough as Dylan, no?" she asked.

"But... is Dylan better than him?" I said, Cass glanced at me.

"Maybe he thinks that way?" she said.

"It doesn't make sense, only you and I know that Im seeing Dylan with different eyes... not even Dylan knows, for all I know everyone thinks we're enemies" I chuckled.

"True and true..."

"Anyway let's not-"

Suddenly the door bell rang.

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